Here's another one:
Johnny Powell, was an inmate in the Dallas County Jail, on a 3 day lock up for vagrancy. He was seventeen years old on November 22nd.
His cell was on the 6th floor at the corner of Houston & Elm St., where he and other inmates, had a corner view of the 'sniper's nest' at TSBD.
In 1978, he told Dallas Reporter, Earl Golz, "...he watched two men with a rifle on the 6th floor of TSBD across the street..."
"When he looked the men were "fooling with" a scope on a rifle." They were "darker than light", with, "brownish type work clothes.."
In Sept.'64 one of Jack Ruby's attorneys, Stanley Kaufman, made a suggestion to Commission Assistant Counsel,
Leon Herbert, that the prisoners, "...had a good view of what took place..." "it might be helpful to the Commission to
know that there were people in jail who saw the actual killing." That suggestion was ignored.
Powell, corroborates the others. More than one person in the window, with a darker than white complexion, and light brown clothing