I always love a list that goes to 17. It's laughable that CTers believe all this was faked for such a limited purpose. It's even internally inconsistent if the CTers believe the conspirators had the willingness and ability to manipulate the evidence to their desired purpose. But logic is wasted on the contrarian/CTer "mind." They would not be CTers to begin with if they understood and could apply logic to this case.
Yeah, right!
I see Martin brought up the rifle, which requires probably even more steps, here's a quick summary;
1) Like forging the mail order.
2) Forging the envelope
3) Forging the Money order.
4) Getting the mail order onto Kleins microfilm
5) Getting the money order into the Federal reserve.
6) Forging internal Kleins paperwork.
7) Forging the backyard photos or at least have Oswald pose with an identical rifle with a unique identical mark on the forestock.
8] Have Marina lie about the rifle at Neely street
9) Have De Mohrenschildt lie about seeing the rifle at Neely street.
10) Have Marina lie about the rifle in the blanket and fake looking pale when the rifle wasn't there.
11) Plant the rifle in the Depository.
12) Have Wesley lie about where in his car he saw the long package.
13) Have Fritz lie when he says Oswald told him he he only had his lunch.
14) Plant the fibers on the rifle
15) Plant the prints on the rifle.
16) Have Day lie about recovering a palm print.
17) Plant Carcano bullet fragments in Kennedy's Limo.
18) Plant Carcano shells in the sniper's nest.
19) Have multiple Police Officers lie about the brown sack in the Sniper's nest
20) Manufacture the appropriate sized Rifle paper bag.
21) Plant Oswald's prints on the bag
I could go on but why bother?
Every aspect of this case which involves conspiracy, of which there are apparently many, requires lies, forgery, planting evidence and ETC but also requires pliable unrelated witnesses at every stage and for each of these witnesses to recall with deceptive pinpoint accuracy their exact role in the entire scheme.
Like I said, in the Real World the one that the CT's don't concern themselves with, for their JFKA conspiracy narrative to work requires a gargantuan conspiratorial effort at every corner and when you add them ALL together the difficulty expands exponentially, which frankly isn't only impossible but complete nonsense!