Who said the lawyers prepared any chapter that early - it was an outline, distributed to the members by the Chief Justice - where would he get that from?Whaetver you are calling an "independent investigation" was filtered thru the FBI. All requests for evidence went thru the FBI.Can I ask you something? When are you going to address this blatantly obvious quote?
"The comment was not in any way an outline for them to follow or a directive for the WC to pack it up and go home. It was simply what Rankin said that he suspected that the FBI would like for them to do...
Who said the comment was related to the outline?Who said it was any directive to go home? It was a realization that the conclusion has already been drawn by Jan. 22, 1964.Read the transcript.https://jfk.boards.net/post/2185/thread
It was all filtered thru the FBI and the guy you just quoted is General counsel for the Commission. Here he is telling you it was a "rubber stamp"Rankin: "They found the man. There is nothing more to do. The Commission supports their conclusions, and we can go on home and that is the end of it."Here is the outline the Commission was to follow as early as Jan. 11, 1964https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/PG/PGappA.html
The person with the most influence on the Warren Commission and how it conducted its business was J. Edgar Hoover.
And it was an obvious sarcastic remark regarding his suspicions (at that point in time and context) about the FBI.