But Charles, the outline that Rankin presented in a January 11, 1964 memo had a section titled "Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy". This was before they took a single bit of testimony.
Where I find the JFKA debate ultimately tedious and boring is that the majority of CTers uncritically accept and parrot factoids as though they were facts. Factoid Busting is fun in small doses just for mental exercise since I did spend my entire professional life busting fallacious legal arguments, but Conspiracy World is almost nothing but a near-impenetrable forest of factoids.
Have you ever seen Rankin's outline? I'm betting you haven't because it's damn hard to find.
Rankin's January 11, 1964 "Memorandum for Members of the Commission" was just a short cover memo to which was attached a "Progress Report" that Warren had asked him to prepare, to wit:
The Progress Report referred to a "Tentative Outline of the Work of the President's Commission" that was attached as Appendix C. The description of the outline in the Progress Report, alas, does not match any version of the Tentative Outline that I've been able to find. For example, the PR says the TO includes a section on "Oswald's Foreign Activity (Military Excluded)," which the versions I have seen do not. Such a section could obviously encompass possible conspiratorial contacts by Oswald.
The TO
does, however, include the following in the section on "Lee Harvey Oswald as the Assassin of President Kennedy:"
H. Evidence Implicating Others in Assassination or Suggesting Accomplices
1. Evidence of shots other than from Depository?
2. Feasibility of shots within time span and with use of telescope
3. Evidence re other persons involved in actual shooting from Depository
4. Analysis of all movements of Oswald after assassination for attempt to meet associates
5. Refutation of allegations Moreover, on March 24, 1964, Redlich submitted to Rankin a "Proposed Outline of Report" that included the following:
K. Evidence of any Accomplices in Assassinationand
D. Link to Domestic Left-Wing Groups
1.Fair Play for Cuba
2.Communist Party
3.Conclusions to be Drawn from such Links
E. Link to Right-Wing Groups
F. Possible Agent of Foreign Power
G. Possible Link to UnderworldThis doesn't quite fit your preferred narrative, does it? (The partial TO and Redlich's memo can be found as Appendices A and C of Howard Roffman's conspiracy-oriented
Presumed Guilty, https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/PG/PG.pdf.)
Did the WC operate on the presumption Oswald was guilty? Well,
yeah - duh. By January of 1964, there was a mountain of evidence that he was. If Rankin's TO had been framed in any other way, he would've looked like an incompetent fool. But the WC certainly investigated and considered the possibility that Oswald had not acted alone. It is dishonest to pretend otherwise.
CTers insist on living in some wacky fantasy world whereby the WC should have proceeded as though it were dealing with a blank slate (
Oswald, who's Oswald?), Oswald was treated as a criminal defendant who was presumed innocent, the Rules of Criminal Procedure and Evidence should apply, every witness should be intensely cross-examined, and all inferences should be drawn in favor of Oswald's innocence and the existence of a conspiracy. It's just goofy.