Author Topic: Hold onto your hats Boys & Girls, Trump's releasing the final JFK files!  (Read 1103 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Yes, Way and here's a few reasons why:
  • It was a well executed ambush from behind and above which took everyone by surprise.
  • The sniper was also mostly out of sight behind the boxes.
  • Plus the fact that JFK insisted the SS agents not stay on the limo made any attempt to shield him in time very unlikely. We can see Clint Hill's valiant effort on film. But it was too little, too late thanks in large part to JFK's restriction regarding the positions of the SS agents.

The SS was legitimately criticized by the Warren Commission and changes were made. That was one of their main missions so as to try to prevent this type of attack from happening again.

   Chief Rowley gave WC Testimony that SS Agents, (SA Hill included), were hitting the hard stuff in a "beatnik joint" the night before the assassination. None of these Agents were terminated. None. When they are on-the-road with the POTUS, Agents are On Duty 24-7. What job permits downing liquor on-the-clock? Govt Bodies like the SS and CIA are entities that write their own rules and discipline/manage their members. The U.S. Govt did Nothing to reprimand these SS Agents. These Agents were allegedly disciplined "In House". Total  BS:

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