Finally, here they come, 80,000 pages of the last JFK files will be released on Tuesday 19/03/2025.
What are your predictions of what's in the files?
Personally I don't see anything major or new will be revealed, maybe some embarrassing stuff ups which could explain why they were withheld for so long? But those expecting a smoking gun in the JFKA will be sadly disappointed and when the files reveal absolutely nothing relevant, I can guarantee that the hardcore CT's will be crying foul and demanding that the "hidden" files be released and the never ending search for the "truth" will continue into infinity and beyond!!!
The reality is, the release will change nothing, for the following related reasons:
1. The CT community will never be satisfied until they are allowed to define what constitutes a JFKA-related record. If the release doesn't include Joannides' wife's recipe for lasagna, the CT community will continue to scream. Jefferson Morley and his hand-picked team must be allowed to rummage through all Federal offices at will, deciding for the rest of us what looks like it "might be interesting."
2. If the release reveals nothing genuinely significant, as it surely will, public and media interest in the JFKA will come to a screeching halt unless the CT community continues to beat the drum that the real smoking guns have not been released. Ergo, the CT community will continue to beat the drum.
3. Even when the release reveals nothing genuinely significant, the CT community will insist it does, thereby opening the door to 12 new tangents whose records must now be released. Basically, every federal record from 1959 to 1965, including those at the Bureau of Animal Husbandry, potentially might shed light on the JFKA. We need them all, dammit.
4. Alas for the Feds, they can never prove that all the records have in fact been released. Hence, the myth that the real smoking guns are in a lead-lined crypt somewhere beneath an alien underground base in Dulce, NM, will never die.
Anyone familiar with ufology knows this is the game. The UFO community has kept the myth of the smoking gun records about the Alien Presence alive for far longer that the JFKA records brouhaha. (There is a thread on the Ed Forum right now that JFK was killed because he was about to reveal the Alien Presence. I first heard this lunacy at the MUFON convention in Las Vegas in 1987, from the mouths of John Lear and Bill Cooper. As I recall, Cooper had photos "proving" SA Hickey shot JFK.)
It's like Prayer Person and so many other areas of CT wackiness. It simply makes no sense. Ask yourself: If there ever were smoking gun records, what possible sense would it make for them to still be in existence more than a few weeks after the JFKA? It's just self-evidently silly ...
isn't it?