one palm print on box

he lifted and placed box with just one bare hand I guess lolz
But he made sure not leave any fingerprints on the other big box underneath nor on the box carefully balanced precariously on the window ledge.
They didn't bother dust window frame, even though Arnold Rowland said when saw the black man at 12:25 pm there, that the window was almost half open, which means if BRW didn't lower window, that the shooter MUST have, and so touched it with bare hands if its Oswald who didn't have gloves. Dusting that window could have proved somebody else lowered it, not Oswald, SO DONT MESS WITH IT.. because LBJ made phone call to Fritz and the case is cinched so avoid any possibility of other prints being found
there were no fingerprints found on the boxes where rifle wedge between, nor any Oswald fingerprints found on the 2nd floor lunchroom door or the outer vestibule door, nor on the door of the 2nd floor office that Oswald alledgedly opened and seen by Mrs Reid, nor on the exit door Oswald exited office from.
the coke, that Oswald had in hand, where it went who knows, there was one Dr.Pepper bottle found on the 6th floor and another bottle found on the front entrance steps of TSBD none them had any fingerprints. Nor the chicken bone bag.
So fingerprints on this day of Nov 22 1963 were only l found to support the WC preconceived theory Oswald did it, and any other fingerprint areas not tested, or fingerprints like one that matches Malcolm Wallace with 37 pts, not mentioned. Or any other items with other prints not investigated whose those prints belonged too.
Were there any prints at the Tippet shooting scene from Oswald. No, none found. No prints on those bullets Oswald supposedly took out the pistol one by one with his bare fingers tossing them on the ground. None found on the side of Tippets right side car door where Oswald placed his hands according to Markam witness.
No fingerprints on that bus transfer ticket eithe from McWatters the bus driver who had to cut it and hand it to Oswald, nor any of Oswalds, who had to take it from McWatters with a bare hand, and place it in his shirt pocket.
No fiingprints apperently taken from front door of Oswalds boarding house.
Where there Oswalds fingerprints on the entrance door of the Texas Theater? They didnt bother try dusting that door.
What about the front door of TSBD or the read door of TSBD? Any attempt to dust those doors for prints. No.
What about the Domino room? any attempt dust for Oswalds prints there, or in the 2nd floor lunchroom where Carolyn Arnold said he was sitting at table eathing his lunch. No. Why bother, the idea is Oswald is GUILTY.. dont mess that up.
Butch Burroughs said sold popcorn to Oswald. Did they attempt find popcorn box and dust for prints.. NO. because if they had and they found Oswalds prints, then Burroughs gives Oswald alibi of being in the Theater between 1:00 and !:07pm.
Any attempt made to find the ticket stubs and see if any had Oswald prints cause he might actually bought a ticket from the ticket girl and why shes very upset and confused when exactly she saw Oswald. Maybe a fingerprint on ticketstub would have proved Oswald bought ticket at 1:00pm. So DONT LOOK THERE, dont want mess up the He DONE it WC theory.
What about William Wallys taxi cab? Any prints Oswald found on door? Did they bother attempt dust the door? No.
Any prints on the bus door of McWatters bus that Oswald supposedly pounded on with his fist?
No. No one thought to dust door for prints. Or the seat Oswald sat in on the bus. Any fibers from his jacket brown shirt on the seat?
What about foot prints. Any footprints found at Tippet scene linked ot Oswalds shoes? anywhere from the TSBD SN 6th floor to his eventual capture at Theater, any shoe prints found. No.
And shoe prints on front floorboard of Wallys taxi matching Oswalds shoe? uh no, didnt bother with that.
Any found in Brewers store. Oswald prints on the entrance door he had to open twice?