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Author Topic: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?  (Read 26751 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2018, 12:43:45 PM »
As I figured, you have NONE. No surprise there since the evidence shows that Day lifted nothing off of CE 139.

Tom Alyea wrote:

"Shortly after we arrived back on the 6th floor, Deputy Eugene Boone located the assassin's rifle almost completely hidden by some overhanging boxes near the stairwell. I filmed it as it was found. In my shot, the figure of Captain Fritz is standing within the enclosure next to the rifle. He knew then that the possibility of a fire fight with the sniper had greatly diminished. He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived. Still pictures were taken of the positioning of the rifle, then Lt. Day slid it out from its hiding place and held it up for all of us to see. The world has seen my shot of this many times. Lt. Day immediately turned toward the window behind him and started dusting the weapon for fingerprints. Day was still within the enclosure formed by the surrounding boxes. I FILMED HIM LIFTING PRINTS FROM THE RIFLE He lifted them off with scotch tape and placed them on little white cards."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2018, 12:43:45 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2018, 04:23:28 PM »
He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived.

But Day/Studebaker were already there in the SN...

Yes, You're right...I think Alyea mixed up the chronology.....or Alyea simply used the wrong words.

"He knew then that the possibility of a fire fight with the sniper had greatly diminished. He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived."

I believe that Alyea probably didn't know that Day & Studebaker were the men who Fritz was requesting when he heard Fritz tell a subordinate to get the crime lab detectives on the scene.....   

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2018, 06:12:55 PM »
I believe that Alyea probably didn't know that Day & Studebaker were the men who Fritz was requesting when he heard Fritz tell a subordinate to get the crime lab detectives on the scene.....

Maybe...but the rifle was found by the stairwell so he got both the man going down wrong and the timing wrong, and in response to Tony:

(Version 1)
Mr. BALL. When the rifle was found, were you there?
Mr. SIMS.  No, sir; we were still on the sixth floor where the hulls were, I believe.
Mr. BALL. Did you see anyone pick the rifle up off the floor?
Mr. SIMS. Yes, sir; I believe Lieutenant Day--he dusted the rifle there for fingerprints.
Mr. BALL. And did you see Fritz do anything?
Mr. SIMS. Yes, sir; he took it and ejected a live round of ammunition out of the rifle.
Mr. BALL. Do you know who took possession of that live round?
Mr. SIMS. No, sir; I don't.

(Version 2 - memory fix by Fritz)
Mr. BELIN. Now what caused you to remember now what you actually did with the hulls? I mean, what refreshed your recollection as to that?
Mr. SIMS. Talked to Captain Fritz, and I remember we was going over to where the rifle, someone had found the rifle in the meantime, and we was walking over to where the rifle was found, and he told me to be sure and get the hulls.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. SIMS. Well, I went over to where the rifle was found, and went back later to where the hulls were.
Mr. BELIN. Were the hulls still in the location you left them for being dusted for fingerprints?
Mr. SIMS. Yes, sir; they were still taking pictures.
Mr. BELIN. Were they still taking pictures, or dusting them?
Mr. SIMS. I hadn't picked them up. They were still, as far as I can remember, taking pictures, because Captain Fritz left two officers to preserve the scene.
Mr. BELIN. When you got back, what did you do after they got through with the pictures?
Mr. SIMS. When he got through with the scenery I picked the hulls up.
Mr. BELIN. Was it then that he dusted them, or what?
Mr.s. SIMS. Yes, sir.

Mr. DAY. I released them to Detective Sims or rather he took them.
Mr. BELIN. And then what did you do?
Mr. DAY. At that time I was summoned to the northwest corner of the building.

Maybe...but the rifle was found by the stairwell so he got both the man going down wrong and the timing wrong, and in response to Tony:

I know that Tom Alyea was not 100% accurate in recalling the event to mind.....No doubt about that,because he said that Seymour Weitzman wasn't there on the sixth floor.... and Weitzman definitely was there.

And he thinks that Lee Oswald was guilty even though he KNOWS without any doubt that the Dallas Police created fake photos and presented those fakes as evidence against Lee Oswald.  He has clearly stated that he abhors the lies that the DPD created.  Any thinking, reasonable person with his knowledge should  have serious doubts about Lee Oswald's guilt.

But the only point I'm attempting to show at this time is the FACT... FACT... that Tom Alyea watched detective Day as he LIFTED the  the so called "palm print"  quote: " lifted off underside gun barrel near end of foregrip  C 2766  " unquote. 

This lays bare one of the key lies that Tom Alyea abhors....The lie that detective Day disassembled the rifle and found a palm print on the small 5/8" diameter ( diameter of a AA penlight battery) .   Day found a Smudge on the underside of the WOODEN foregrip  that he though might be a palm print and he lifted that smudge as Tom Alyea watched....

The FBI received that 3 X 5 white card on SaPersonay 11/23/63 and reported that the smudge was unidentifiable as a palm print and it was useless for identification purposes.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2018, 06:12:55 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2018, 08:26:21 PM »
But the only point I'm attempting to show at this time is the FACT... FACT... that Tom Alyea watched detective Day as he LIFTED the  the so called "palm print"  quote: " lifted off underside gun barrel near end of foregrip  C 2766  " unquote.

Understood, adding this to the equation (prints on trigger guard):

Mr. LATONA. No, sir ; I don't think so. In fact, I think we got the prints just like they were. There had, in addition to this rifle and that paper bag, which I received on the 23d--there had also been submitted to me some photographs which had been taken by the Dallas Police Department, at least alleged to have been taken by them, of these prints on this trigger guard which they developed. I examined the photographs very closely and I still could not determine any latent value in the photograph. [...]

Why would they pass those photographs on with the rifle but NOT the actual lift by Day?

Good point!.....But the evidence inventory list that was typed up that night  DOES list the "partial palm print" we know that the story about detective Day disassembling the rifle and discovering the palm print is a crock! 

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2018, 02:07:43 PM »
Alyea did what he was told as he relied on the DPD's approval for a good bit of his work. Haven't you ever wondered why he was the only one allowed in and film?

There was no evidence for Day's claim.

Haven't you ever wondered why he was the only one allowed in and film?

Yes I have.....But if you are implying that Tom Alyea was a nefarious part of the conspiracy or the cover up, I certainly would disagree.    Alyea seems to be a bit confused about the case....He definitely has exhibited his lack of solid reasoning and commonsense.

I think the fact that he was in the TSBD at the time the planted evidence was being discovered is probably one of those cases where a person just happens to be in the right place at the right time.

There was no evidence for Day's claim.

What claim?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2018, 02:07:43 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2018, 02:56:46 PM »
Tom Alyea wrote:

"Shortly after we arrived back on the 6th floor, Deputy Eugene Boone located the assassin's rifle almost completely hidden by some overhanging boxes near the stairwell. I filmed it as it was found. In my shot, the figure of Captain Fritz is standing within the enclosure next to the rifle. He knew then that the possibility of a fire fight with the sniper had greatly diminished. He dispatched one of his men to go down and call for the crime lab. About fifteen minutes later, Lt. Day and Studebaker arrived. Still pictures were taken of the positioning of the rifle, then Lt. Day slid it out from its hiding place and held it up for all of us to see. The world has seen my shot of this many times. Lt. Day immediately turned toward the window behind him and started dusting the weapon for fingerprints. Day was still within the enclosure formed by the surrounding boxes. I FILMED HIM LIFTING PRINTS FROM THE RIFLE He lifted them off with scotch tape and placed them on little white cards."

I'm praying that someone will engage me in a intelligent discussion based on the above.......

Here's the problem....  Tom Alyea says that he watched as detective Day lifted prints ( that's PRINTS meaning more than one print)

We do have one print that was lifted from the wooden foregrip of a model 91/38 carcano rifle.  LBJ's cover up committee gave us that photo of the lifted print an it is identified as CE 634.  The also gave us a BS story about how CE 634 came to be.

Now to the crux of the matter....  Tom Alyea said that he saw AND FILMED detective Day lift PRINTS from the rifle....

Detective Day is on record as stating that he saw PRINTS on the rifle when he dusted the rifle for prints in the TSND at about 1:45 that afternoon.   Day said that he placed cellophane tape over the prints on the trigger guard to protect the prints until he could get to the police lab and examine the prints under better conditions.   However there are dozens of photos of detective Day carrying the carcano as he departs the TSBD with the carcano....and there is NO cellophane tape on the trigger guard of the rifle.

We do have FBI photos that were taken of the trigger guard (magazine) which show a small bit of someone's finger prints.   And those photos appear to show the remnants of prints that were left behind on the magazine  after someone lifted the major portion of the finger prints.

SO the question I have is:.....Was Tom Alyea correct when he said that he watched detective Day lift prints ( plural) from the carcano?   Did Day find prints that obviously were not Lee Harrrrvey Ossssswald's, who was the patsy and arch villain ??     

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2018, 03:13:20 PM »
I'm praying that someone will engage me in a intelligent discussion based on the above.......

Here's the problem....  Tom Alyea says that he watched as detective Day lifted prints ( that's PRINTS meaning more than one print)

We do have one print that was lifted from the wooden foregrip of a model 91/38 carcano rifle.  LBJ's cover up committee gave us that photo of the lifted print an it is identified as CE 634.  The also gave us a BS story about how CE 634 came to be.

Now to the crux of the matter....  Tom Alyea said that he saw AND FILMED detective Day lift PRINTS from the rifle....

Detective Day is on record as stating that he saw PRINTS on the rifle when he dusted the rifle for prints in the TSND at about 1:45 that afternoon.   Day said that he placed cellophane tape over the prints on the trigger guard to protect the prints until he could get to the police lab and examine the prints under better conditions.   However there are dozens of photos of detective Day carrying the carcano as he departs the TSBD with the carcano....and there is NO cellophane tape on the trigger guard of the rifle.

We do have FBI photos that were taken of the trigger guard (magazine) which show a small bit of someone's finger prints.   And those photos appear to show the remnants of prints that were left behind on the magazine  after someone lifted the major portion of the finger prints.

SO the question I have is:.....Was Tom Alyea correct when he said that he watched detective Day lift prints ( plural) from the carcano?   Did Day find prints that obviously were not Lee Harrrrvey Ossssswald's, who was the patsy and arch villain ??     

 What happened to Alyea's film?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2018, 07:51:17 PM »
What happened to Alyea's film?

Alyea, says it was cut back at the studio and thrown away.....  And it might have been. ??   But I'd bet Hoover extra special special agents destroyed that film.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald fingerprints on the live shell?
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2018, 07:51:17 PM »