There is nothing circular about this Inspector Ding-a-Ling except your IQ. What is the best evidence of an object's size? Someone's estimate or measuring the object itself?
Uh, Inspector Imbecile, you haven't established that it is the object itself. You just assumed it is.
So what needs to be explained if this is not Oswald's bag: 1) bad luck by Old Lee to have touched and left his prints on this particular bag (the only TSBD employee to have done so); 2) its location near the SN; 3) no bag matching Frazier's estimate ever being found; 4) Oswald himself denying he carried any bag along the size estimated by Frazier; 5) multiple DPD officers confirming the bag was found on the 6th floor; 6) no apparent work-related purpose for such a bag to be in the TSBD; 7) no one else ever coming forward who worked in the building to indicate it was their bag or who could explain its presence (50 plus years and counting).
You're like a broken record. You haven't established that any of these claims are true. You're just assuming them as well:
"(the only TSBD employee to have done so)"
"Oswald himself denying he carried any bag along the size estimated by Frazier"
"its location near the SN"
"no apparent work-related purpose for such a bag to be in the TSBD"
And these are all still stupid "absence of evidence equals evidence of absence" arguments that you keep trotting out over and over again:
"no bag matching Frazier's estimate ever being found"
"no one else ever coming forward who worked in the building to indicate it was their bag or who could explain its presence"
This has been refuted over and over and over again. No bag ever matching Harold Norman's lunch bag was ever found either. So by Richard Smith twisted logic, that never existed either.
You can't prove with any actual evidence that CE142 was in the SN when it was first discovered (the first 5-6 officers on the scene did not see it, and Studebaker didn't photograph it even though he was standing right there with a camera).
You can't prove with any actual evidence that CE142 was the bag that Frazier and Randle saw. They both said it was not.
You can't prove with any actual evidence that there was ever a rifle inside CE142.
Deal with it.