You don't understand what "why" means, and I'm the one who's dense?
Yes....what does that have to do with Brewer?
Yes. WHY? What did he see that indicated murderer? And you don't know that it was "rightly", that's just more posturing.
What's hard to understand is why you think restating a claim somehow substantiates that claim. Again, we all know what Brewer (said he) concluded. The question is why?
The real question is why you're incapable of understanding or accepting that Brewer thought Saint Patsy looked scared and became suspicious of your hero.
It's not a 'claim' that Brewer thought your hero looked scared, it's a fact that's substantiated by his actions.
It's also a fact that Brewer didn't think a manhunt was on for a jaywalker.
Why do you think Brewer got involved ?
Did he have a vendetta against your hero ?
Had nothing better to do ?
After pages and pages of this, you actually ask 'what does this have to do with Brewer ?'