If the part in bold can be supported then it would blow the lid off this fairytale.
Yes, the only thing lacking is any evidence! Brewer confirms he went to work at the shoe company straight out of school.
Mr. BELIN - Did you go to school after you graduated from high school?
Mr. BREWER - I went to Southwest Texas State Teachers College in San Marcos a year, and a year in Nixon Clay Business College in Austin.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do?
Mr. BREWER - I got married and quit school and went to work for Hardy's Shoe Store. I----that was in September, and I got married in December. And I have been with them ever since.
Mr. BELIN - When did you go to work for Hardy's Shoe Store?
Mr. BREWER - In September of 1961.
Mr. BELIN - Do they assign you to any particular store?
Mr. BREWER - I worked at the Capital Plaza Shopping Center in Austin for about 10 months, and then they transferred me to Dallas and gave me a store down on Jefferson.
Mr. BELIN - In Austin were you just a shoe salesman?
Mr. BREWER - I was assistant manager.
Mr. BELIN - And they transferred you to a shop on Jefferson?
Mr. BREWER - Yes.
Mr. BELIN - In Dallas?
Mr. BREWER - Yes.
Mr. BELIN - What is the address of that shop in Dallas?
Mr. BREWER - 213 West Jefferson.