Oh, and did I mention that Brewer actually saw That Man in the theater when they turned the lights up?
I know Brewer
thought that the guy he saw 50 yards away down by the furniture store from behind was the same guy who was standing is his vestibule was the same guy he pointed out in the theater. But that doesn't make it true.
To get from that collection of statements to "she said she wasn't sure whether he did or not," you have to pretend most of them don't exist, then take the last remaining one and strip the negative connotation completely out of it. I'm sure that was all just an accident.
No accident at all.

Brewer, John Gibson, and George Applin all saw a pistol in Oswald's hand during the melee with the cops. How did it get there if he didn't draw it himself? I mean, did a feral revolver that lived in the alley charge into the theater through the open back door then lunge at McDonald's throat before Oswald bravely saved the day by grabbing the rabies-crazed firearm to protect McDonald from it's venomous bite?
Are arguments by sarcasm in the LN playbook? As for Applin:
Mr. BALL - Who pulled the pistol?
Mr. APPLIN - I guess it was Oswald, because--for one reason, that he had on a short sleeve shirt, and I seen a man's arm that was connected to the gun.
Was Oswald wearing a short-sleeved shirt?
He entered a theater without buying a ticket and sat down in the auditorium. That would most likely constitute criminal trespass.
Great, what's your evidence that Oswald entered a theater without buying a ticket?
And the cops didn't even need a warrant or probable cause to stop and frisk you. Remember the NYPD's "stop and frisk" program?
Here's some background from people with an actual legal background:
Cool, now ask your "people with an actual legal background" when the Supreme Court case authorizing "stop and frisk" was decided.