Rob Caprio , thanks for the posting on all the people who left the TSBD and did not return . It is very obvious that the setup of LHO already had the markings of making him look like the Lone nut. From McDonalds arrest report of Oswald who had LHO as the man who killed JFK and JD Tippit. Of course at around 2 PM , J. Edgar Hoover had LHO as being guilty of killing Kennedy . So from 12:30 to about 2: pm, the case seems to have been solved that Oswald was the killer. LHO's revolver had a bent firing pin which would have rendered the handgun to be useless. A paraffin test was applied to Oswald's hands and right cheek; his hands reacted positively , whereas his cheek did not . These results were downplayed and even suppressed by the Federal Authorities. Check out the Nov 29th , 1963 memo from J. Edgar Hoover to Tolson , Belmont , Mohr, Conrad , De Loach , Evans , Rosen and Sullivan . This memo deals with the talks that LBJ and Hoover had about the JFK Assassination. /Hoover.html