And to again point to the obvious: this questioning of motive on Brewer's part comes from the very same person who insists we can only look at Oswald's behavior in isolation, stripped of any context and that to ascribe criminal motive or intent to them is not only wrong but rejected with the child like "LOL" response.
Oswald's acts are judged in isolation - "He just left Marina money", "He just took a bus", "He just took a cab", "He just went to a movie" - while Brewer's (and other's ) every move is questioned as having nefarious purposes or motive.
Yep, just like he left work because he figured 'there'd be no more work today', based on the commotion going on outside.
Seems kind of odd that Saint Patsy isn't even slightly interested in what happened, but maybe that's just me.
No time to waste, so why hang around for even a moment ? There was shoe shopping to be done. And then Gummy Bears and buttered popcorn.
Saint Patsy just got an early start to the weekend. It's just not fair to read anything else into it.