And a sample of what Oswald looks like with messed up hair and a stare

Like that has any relevance to what he looked like outside Brewer's store (if it was even Oswald).
Did police beat the crap out of Oswald? Seems to me it was more of a wrestling match to remove the pistol from his possession.
Seems to me you don't have even a cursory knowledge of the evidence.
Mr. BALL - Did you see any officers strike him?
Mr. APPLIN - I seen one strike him with a shotgun.
Mr. BALL - How did he do it?
Mr. APPLIN - He grabbed the muzzle of the gun and drawed it back and swung and hit him in the back.
Mr. BALL - With what?
Mr. APPLIN - With the butt end of the gun.
Mr. BALL - Looked like a hard blow?
Mr. APPLIN - Yes, sir; it--I guess-it was. You could--yes, sir.
Well, at least after a retaliatory punch administered by McDonald after a first strike by your boy.
That was the story. Sure, and McDonald must have had clear blood coming out of his "bloody nose".