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Author Topic: Why did Oswald go to the movies?  (Read 226493 times)

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #864 on: September 22, 2018, 01:52:19 AM »
Your question is nonsense. You want to imply that the lack of an existing receipt for the money order somehow invalidates it as evidence. However, there was no reason for Oswald to keep the PMO stub/receipt once he received and accepted the rifle, so the lack of a stub is neither unexpected nor exceptional. The handwriting on the actual money order has been authenticated as Oswald's signature, which ties it to him. That's all that's needed. Your huffy little aside demonstrates nothing other than you lack any real basis for argument, and would rather rely on vaporous insinuation rather than deal with the actual evidence.

Big deal. Show using supporting evidence how he got to the P.O. Then explain how he received a money order that wasnt due to be in circulation for a year or more.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #864 on: September 22, 2018, 01:52:19 AM »

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #865 on: September 22, 2018, 01:54:25 AM »
I have asked them, I asked Paul May why he came back and he told me, what's the problem?


I don't remember that. What did he say?

Online John Mytton

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #866 on: September 22, 2018, 02:18:14 AM »

Nice try again.  It's not "basically the same".  Cimino said he groaned.  Markham said he tried to talk to her and that he knew she was there.

This constant mission to discredit Markham is sad and pathetic. But hey, whatever it takes.

It seems to me that Cimino and Markham both witnessed Tippit's death gasps and Markham came to a logical conclusion that Tippit was trying to speak and Cimino likewise says that Tippit "never said anything he could understand" and what do you know Markham uses the exact same language. "No, I couldn't understand"

Frank Cimino.
...but never said anything that he could understand.

Helen Markham.
Mr. DULLES. Mr. Tippit, Officer Tippit, didn't say anything to you?
Mrs. MARKHAM. He tried to.
Mr. DULLES. He tried to?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
Mr. DULLES. But he didn't succeed?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No, I couldn't understand.

Now I don't know what Markham knew but in the Movies back in that timeframe and mostly even today, someone who is shot just falls over and literally plays dead by not moving, but in real life bodies twitch and lungs and stuff keeps trying to work.

If you look around the internet there is plenty of examples of these death gasps, in the following video is an accurate simulation, also the comment section on this video has some personal experiences.

VideoAnswers: I've been to many cardiac arrests and this gentleman's interpretation of it is very accurate. Well done my friend. Its often quite difficult as surrounding family often think the person has started to breath again

Steve T: Agonal breathing never sounds that mellow...he could have made some scarier sounds so people know what to actually look for. It basically sounds like someone is chocking on their tongue while trying to breathe.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #866 on: September 22, 2018, 02:18:14 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #867 on: September 22, 2018, 02:19:44 AM »
I don't remember that. What did he say?

Don't be shy, just ask him.


Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #868 on: September 22, 2018, 02:21:40 AM »
Don't be shy, just ask him.


So you can't tell me. Maybe because it never happened?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #868 on: September 22, 2018, 02:21:40 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #869 on: September 22, 2018, 02:24:04 AM »
Big deal. Show using supporting evidence how he got to the P.O. Then explain how he received a money order that wasnt due to be in circulation for a year or more.

Show using supporting evidence how he got to the P.O.

Then explain how he received a money order that wasnt due to be in circulation for a year or more.

So they used a real Money Order, I thought you said they just faked the lot.


Online John Mytton

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #870 on: September 22, 2018, 02:28:34 AM »
So you can't tell me. Maybe because it never happened?

Instead of your usual jumping to conclusions that only exist in your own mind, how about you just ask him, he's got nothing to hide.

Btw why didn't you ever debate Paul May, what are you scared of?


Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #871 on: September 22, 2018, 07:39:18 AM »
Big deal. Show using supporting evidence how he got to the P.O. Then explain how he received a money order that wasn't due to be in circulation for a year or more.
Once the signature is is shown to be Oswald's, Oswald's possession of the MO is established. "How he got to the P.O." then becomes nothing more than a half-@$$3d exercise in goal-post manipulation by sore losers. As to your claim that this particular MO wasn't supposed to be in circulation, you need to explain what the hell you're talking about. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why did Oswald go to the movies?
« Reply #871 on: September 22, 2018, 07:39:18 AM »