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Author Topic: Where did the head shot come from?  (Read 13519 times)

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2019, 09:57:24 PM »
As per the  " Testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark : Vol. Vl , p. 18

Mr. Specter  -  What did you observe the President's condition to be on your arrival there ?

Dr. Clark - The President was lying on his back on the emergency cart. Dr. Perry was performing a tracheotomy. There were chest tubes being inserted. Dr. Jenkins was assisting the President's respirations through a tube in his trachea. Dr. Jones and Dr. Carrico were administering fluids and blood intravenously . The President was making a few spasmodic respiratory efforts. I assisted , in withdrawing the endotracheal tube from the throat as Dr. Perry was then ready to insert the tracheotomy tube . I then examined the President briefly. My findings showed his pupils were widely dilated , did not react to light, and his eyes were deviated outward with a slight skew of deviation .
I then examined the wound in the " back of the President's head " . This was a large , gaping wound in the" right posterior " part , with cerebral and cerebellar tissue being damaged and exposed . There was considerable blood loss evident on the carriage , the floor , and some of the people present . I would estimate 1,000 cc. of blood being present .

Dr. Clark makes no mention of the right side of the head having damage above and forward the right ear and he makes no mention of damage to the top of the head . As Thomas Robinson said " The Drs. did that " ( Bethesda ) !

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2019, 09:57:24 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2019, 09:44:20 AM »
As per the  " Testimony of Dr. William Kemp Clark : Vol. Vl , p. 18

Mr. Specter  -  What did you observe the President's condition to be on your arrival there ?

Dr. Clark - The President was lying on his back on the emergency cart. Dr. Perry was performing a tracheotomy. There were chest tubes being inserted. Dr. Jenkins was assisting the President's respirations through a tube in his trachea. Dr. Jones and Dr. Carrico were administering fluids and blood intravenously . The President was making a few spasmodic respiratory efforts. I assisted , in withdrawing the endotracheal tube from the throat as Dr. Perry was then ready to insert the tracheotomy tube . I then examined the President briefly. My findings showed his pupils were widely dilated , did not react to light, and his eyes were deviated outward with a slight skew of deviation .
I then examined the wound in the " back of the President's head " . This was a large , gaping wound in the" right posterior " part , with cerebral and cerebellar tissue being damaged and exposed . There was considerable blood loss evident on the carriage , the floor , and some of the people present . I would estimate 1,000 cc. of blood being present .

Dr. Clark makes no mention of the right side of the head having damage above and forward the right ear and he makes no mention of damage to the top of the head . As Thomas Robinson said " The Drs. did that " ( Bethesda ) !

Mike, Dr Kemp was only, as he said to the W.C. " board certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery. I am a Fellow with the American College of Surgeons. I am a member of the Harvey Cushing Society.
Mr. SPECTER - What is the Harvey Cushing Society, by the way?
Dr. CLARK - It is the largest society of neurological surgeons in the world.
Mr. SPECTER - And what do your duties consist of with respect to the Southwestern Medical School of the University of Texas?
Dr. CLARK - I am in charge of the division of neurological surgery and carry the responsibility of administering this department or this division, to arrange the instruction of medical students in neurological surgery and to conduct research in this field. "

What would he know about head wounds? :D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 09:57:57 AM by Ray Mitcham »

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2019, 06:17:52 PM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2019, 06:17:52 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2019, 08:13:56 PM »
Kennedy was not dead. He was still breathing and had a pulse.
I exchanged the intermittent positive pressure breathing apparatus for an anesthesia machine and continued artificial ventilation. Doctors Gene Akin and A. H. Giesecke assisted with the respiratory problems incident to changing from the orotracheal tube to a tracheostomy tube and Doctors Hunt and Giesecke connected a cardioscope to determine cardiac activity.

During the progress of these activities, the emergency room cart was elevated at the feet in order to provide a Trendelenburg position, a venous cutdown was performed on the right saphenous vein, and additional fluids were begun in a vein in the left forearm while blood was ordered from the blood bank. All of these activities were completed by approximately 1245, at which time external cardiac massage was still being carried out effectively by Doctor Clark as judged by a palpable peripheral pulse. Despite these measures there was no electrocardiographic evidence of cardiac activity.
More Kool-Aid anyone?

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2019, 09:17:59 PM »
The Parkland docs who reviewed the autopsy photos agreed that JFK appeared to have had post-mortem surgery. LNers now have to make up an excuse why that was not the case. Because if JFK did have post-mortem surgery then they have been unwitting shills for the conspirators. LNers are stuck in a TSBD 6th floor box where not only did LHO take all the shots, but there was NO CONSPIRACY!!! Then why the post-mortem surgery?

Post-mortem surgery insinuates a conspiracy unless there was a plausible, innocent explanation why Humes and Boswell never mentioned having performed it and why Humes burned all his notes. How did Humes and Boswell arrange to get the "alone" time with JFK to perform the surgery? If their involvement was part of the conspiracy, then it reached the highest levels of gov, along with the Secret Service, who absconded with JFK's body, at gun point, no less.

Post-mortem surgery was performed on JFK to obscure a bullet entrance wound from the front. Humes agenda was clear, hide all evidence that contradicted the lone nut narrative, which included obscuring shots from the front. So he carved up JFK's forehead to hide 1 of 2 shots that occurred almost simultaneously at the turkey-shoot point (back and to the left), which were:

1) a shot from the overpass entered JFK's skull at his hairline on the right side of his forehead, which blew out his right occipital bone and created a fist sized hole that many hospital staff noted.

2) a shot from the knoll with a frangible bullet blew out the right temple of JFK and did most of the damage to his brain. A FMJ bullet does not do this kind of damage:

The whole point of the Turkey-shoot Point was to make 2 or more shots sound like 1. And only take the shot if the umbrella man gives you the signal that the shot from the Dal-Tex building didn't do the job.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 06:16:00 AM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2019, 09:17:59 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2019, 09:28:06 AM »
Where did posts from March 2018 suddenly appear from. I thought all previous posts before the hacking had been lost.

Offline Ted Shields

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2019, 09:40:35 AM »
Do people really believe there was a shooter on the overpass with the witnesses there and no one noticed someone firing a rifle beside them?

Do people really believe that there was a shooter on the knoll with the witnesses there and no one noticed someone firing a rifle beside them?

Like, the 3 men on the steps, none of them heard a rifle being fired 10 feet behind their heads? Either did Marilyn Sitzman? A shooter mere feet away yet she didn't notice.

"I would have heard the sounding of the gun much closer, and I probably had a ringing in my head because the fence was quite close to where we were standing, very close"

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2019, 07:01:27 PM »
Do people really believe there was a shooter on the overpass with the witnesses there and no one noticed someone firing a rifle beside them?

Do people really believe that there was a shooter on the knoll with the witnesses there and no one noticed someone firing a rifle beside them?

Like, the 3 men on the steps, none of them heard a rifle being fired 10 feet behind their heads? Either did Marilyn Sitzman? A shooter mere feet away yet she didn't notice.

"I would have heard the sounding of the gun much closer, and I probably had a ringing in my head because the fence was quite close to where we were standing, very close"


1.  Danny Garcia Arces - Shots came from railroad track yards.
2.  Mrs. Donald Sam Baker - Shots came from railroad yards;not possible to come from the TSBD.
3.  Mrs. A. G.(Jane)Berry- Thought shots came from west of her position.
4.  O. V. Campbell - Thought shots came from railroad yard to west of the TSBD.
5.  Mrs. Charles Thomas (Avery) Davis - Thought shots came from triple underpass.
6.  Mrs. John T. (Elsie) Dorman) - She was on the 4th floor of TSBD and thought shots came from Records Building.
7.  Mr. and Mrs. Jack Franzen - Thought shots came from area adjacent to TSBD.
8.  Buell Wesley Frazier - Thought shots came from railroad overpass.
9.  Dorthy Ann Garner - Thought shots came from west of TSBD (she was on 4th floor or TSBD)
10. Bobby W. Hargis - Believes shot came from right front (grassy knoll area) - from overpass
11. Mrs. John Hawkins - Thought shots came from railroad yards adjacent to TSBD.
12. Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill - Thought shots were coming from the knoll, just west of the TSBD.
13. Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes - Thought shots came from crowd.
14. Mrs. Yola D. Hopson - Did not think the sound (of the shots) came from the TSBD.
15. Emmet Joseph Hudson - Shots came from behind and above him; from rear, high. (He was on steps leading up knoll)
16. Mrs. George Andrew Kounas - Thought shots came from the west.
17. Secret Service Agent Paul E. Landis Jr. - 1st shot came from behind and over right shoulder; 2nd shot came from right   front and hit President's head.
18. Billy Nolan Lovelady - Thought shots came from the knoll of from across the street.
19. Judith L. McCully - From right side of arcade building.
20. Austin Lawerence Miller - Shots came from his left (he was standing on the triple underpass).
21. A. J. Millican - Shots came from the pergola.
22. Joe R. Molina - Shots came from west side (he was on steps of TSBD.
23. Thomas J. Murphy - Shots came from spot just west of TSBD.
24. Mrs. P. E. Newman - Shots came from her right (west). She was halfway from TSBD to Stemmons Freeway sign.
25. William E Newman, Jr. - Shots came from "garden" directly behind Newman (he was standing at east end of pergola)
26. Mrs. William V. Parker - First shot came from pergola.
27. J. C. Price - Assumed shots from Triple Underpass.
28. Frank E. Reilly - Shots came from trees at west end of pergola on north side of Elm. (He was standing on                  Triple Underpass). 
29. Mrs. A. L. Rowland - Shots came from railroad yard.
30. W. H. (Bill) Shelly - Shots came from west (he was on TSBD steps)
31. Police Officer Edgar Leon Smith, Jr. - Shots came from railroad yard or grassy knoll area.
32. Officer Joe Marshall Smith - Thought shots came from Elm St.extension, bushes of the overpass.
33. Secret Service Agent Forrest Sorrels - Shots came from knoll;'top of terrace to my right.
34. James Thomas Tague - Shots came from bushes at pergola.
35. Roy S. Truly - Shots came from west of TSBD.
36. Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford - Shots came from railroad yard.
37. County Surveyor Robert M. West - Shots came from northeast quadrant of Dealy Plaza.
38. Lupe Whitaker - Shots came from west of TSBD.
39. Otis Neville Williams - Came from direction of Triple Underpass.
40. Steven F. Wilson - Shots came from west end of building or pergola; not above.
    (He was on 3rd floor of TSBD)

41. Mary Elizabeth Woodward - Possibly came from overpass.
42. Abraham Zapruder - Shots came from in back of him.
43. Deputy Sheriff Harold Elkins

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Where did the head shot come from?
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2019, 07:01:27 PM »