All this discussion about the size of the bag when the WC failed to support their claim that a bag was ever found in the alleged SN.
What bag?
It doesn't matter whether you or I like the invention of the bag..... The authorities created it as part of the tale (aka cover up) and that garbage has taken firm root in the legend.
There definitely was a bag found ....Day spotted it because it was SHAPED LIKE A GUN CASE.... And it probably was constructed from a different paper than the book wrappers, which drew Day's attention to it. At the time he spotted the gun case shaped paper sack Roy Truly was at his side. Day turned to Truly and asked if he'd ever seen the gun case shaped paper sack before.....Naturally, Truly denied ever having seen the sack.
Day said that after he displayed the gun case shaped sack to Roy Truly he folded it up and put it in his pocket and never displayed it to anybody else. I 've long believed that Day showed that sack to Fritz and they realized it was too small to hold the Carcano.... Fritz was reported to have said..." Well he must have broke it down then, and I'm sure he did" after it was pointed out that the bag was too small to have been used to smuggle the Carcano into the TSBD.
It was probably at this point that Detective Day decided to create the huge paper sack that Detective LD Montgomery carried from the TSBD.