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Author Topic: Buell Wesley Frazier  (Read 171123 times)

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2018, 01:37:38 AM »
Like his sister for example.
3 feet by 6 inches.

James Bookhout is the one who said that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2018, 01:37:38 AM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #57 on: January 09, 2018, 05:27:37 AM »
FBI Report, 11/23/63
by Special Agent James Bookhout

"RANDLE stated that about 7:15 a.m., November 22, 1963, she looked out of a window of her residence and observed LEE HARVEY OSWALD walking up her driveway and saw him put a long brown package, approximately 3 feet by 6 inches, in the back seat area of WESLEY FRAZIER's 1954 black Chevrolet four door automobile."

Can anyone provide any sort of proof that Bookhout lied about what Randle told him?

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #58 on: January 09, 2018, 05:56:10 AM »
FBI Report, 11/23/63
by Special Agent James Bookhout

"RANDLE stated that about 7:15 a.m., November 22, 1963, she looked out of a window of her residence and observed LEE HARVEY OSWALD walking up her driveway and saw him put a long brown package, approximately 3 feet by 6 inches, in the back seat area of WESLEY FRAZIER's 1954 black Chevrolet four door automobile."

Can anyone provide any sort of proof that Bookhout lied about what Randle told him?

"Can anyone provide any sort of proof that Bookhout lied about what Randle told him?"

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #58 on: January 09, 2018, 05:56:10 AM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #59 on: January 09, 2018, 08:48:06 AM »
"Can anyone provide any sort of proof that Bookhout lied about what Randle told him?"

Explain how Randle's later estimation is supposed to prove that Bookhout lied about Randle originally telling him that the bag was three feet long?

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2018, 02:28:36 PM »
This relies on the assumption (with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support it) that the bag allegedly found near the 6th floor SE window was the same bag that Frazier and Randle saw.

Again with wildly overstating your nutty claims - "no evidence whatsover"!  LOL  Well, except for Oswald's prints being found on that bag.  The location of the bag next to bullet casings fired from his rifle.  No accounting for this bag except as the bag Oswald carried the rifle in that morning.  No other bag matching the size estimate of Frazier ever being found or accounted for in any way.  And Oswald himself denying he carried any bag as described by Frazier.   It's amusing that you dismiss all evidence against Oswald as the product of "assumptions" which implies outlandish baseless counter-possibilities like this bag being planted and all the implications that entails none of which are supported by any evidence at all.  Very humorous.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2018, 02:28:36 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2018, 03:32:11 PM »
FBI Report, 11/23/63
by Special Agent James Bookhout

"RANDLE stated that about 7:15 a.m., November 22, 1963, she looked out of a window of her residence and observed LEE HARVEY OSWALD walking up her driveway and saw him put a long brown package, approximately 3 feet by 6 inches, in the back seat area of WESLEY FRAZIER's 1954 black Chevrolet four door automobile."

Can anyone provide any sort of proof that Bookhout lied about what Randle told him?

There are many versions of what LM Randle said.....The version that you have posted is  90% BS....Perhaps you should do a little research.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2018, 04:01:38 PM »
Again with wildly overstating your nutty claims - "no evidence whatsover"!  LOL  Well, except for Oswald's prints being found on that bag.  The location of the bag next to bullet casings fired from his rifle.  No accounting for this bag except as the bag Oswald carried the rifle in that morning.  No other bag matching the size estimate of Frazier ever being found or accounted for in any way.  And Oswald himself denying he carried any bag as described by Frazier.   It's amusing that you dismiss all evidence against Oswald as the product of "assumptions" which implies outlandish baseless counter-possibilities like this bag being planted and all the implications that entails none of which are supported by any evidence at all.  Very humorous.

Well, except for Oswald's prints being found on that bag.

According to Latona, a parcial palm print and a parcial finger print on the bag could be identified as belonging to Oswald. Other prints, also on the bag and thus potentially belonging to others, could not be identified. Unfortunately, as so often in this case, we have to take the word of one person for it, since the silver nitrate used on the bag destroyed the evidence to the extend that no second opinion could even be obtained.

Having said that, the presence of two parcial prints of a TSBD employee on a bag made from TSBD materials and found inside the TSBD does not even begin to prove that this was the bag Oswald carried that morning.

Even worse for your narrative, which is why you have ignored it so far, is that Wesley Buell Frazier was shown the TSBD bag the same day and he, while being polygraphed, denied that it was the bag he had seen Oswald carry that morning. He added that the bag he had actually seen was "definitely a thin, flimsy sack like the one purchased in a dime store".

The location of the bag next to bullet casings fired from his rifle.

Wrong again. The devil is, as always, in the details! Fritz told Detective Montgomery to guard and preserve the sniper's nest until Day and Studebaker got there. Montgomery is on record as saying that the bag he saw was sitting on top of a box, which contradicts completely where Studebaker claimed it was.

And as far as "fired from his rifle" goes; "wildly overstating your nutty claims" decribes it well!

No accounting for this bag except as the bag Oswald carried the rifle in that morning. 

BS. What is this self serving speculation supposed to prove, other than your own narrowmindedness?

No other bag matching the size estimate of Frazier ever being found or accounted for in any way. 

Proves nothing. Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Besides, there is no evidence whatsoever that they actually ever searched for another bag to begin with. They already had a bag, simply looked no further and just jumped to a conclusion....

And Oswald himself denying he carried any bag as described by Frazier. 

This is simply not true. It is at best a misrepresentation of the facts. Frazier described the bag to DPD officers as "definitely a thin, flimsy sack like the one purchased in a dime store". Can you show me where and when Oswald was asked about such a flimsy bag? I know that it is reported that they asked him about a long or large bag, but that is clearly not how Frazier described it.

It's amusing that you dismiss all evidence against Oswald as the product of "assumptions" which implies outlandish baseless counter-possibilities like this bag being planted

So, basically what you are saying is that your assumption must be correct simply because you dismiss all other possibilities as "outlandish" and "baseless"..... Now that's really funny!

Btw why would that bag have been planted? It was made of TSBD materials and allegedly found at the TSBD!

« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 05:05:15 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2018, 04:15:33 PM »
"Can anyone provide any sort of proof that Bookhout lied about what Randle told him?"

Recently a poster mentioned a book entitled The Assassination Tapes by George O'Toole  ....I had read that book several years ago but after i was reminded of the book I read it again.    The book is based on subjecting taped conversation to a machine that can detect when a speaker voice is stressed due to lying....

O'Toole used tape recordings from radio and TV broadcasts and presented the sound of the speaker's voice to stress analysis....   It probably sounds like witch craft to some .....but I believe that PSE is a real way to detect stress in the voice of a speaker.   

O'Toole subjected a TV interview of Buell Frazier telling a newsman about the morning of 11/22/63 and what Frazier had seen and heard that morning. 

When Frazier talked about going to the car and starting it .....O'Toole reported that Frazier's voice revealed little stress as would be expected....But when Frazier told the newsman about seeing a paper sack on the rear seat of the car....The stress in Frazier's voice went to maximum.....  Which indicates that Frazier probably was lying about some aspect of that paper sack.   

"He stated that he only glanced at this package, at the time, over his shoulder, and said something to Oswald about the package, and Oswald explained that it was curtain rods"

In some reports Frazier says that when he saw the paper sack he simply asked..."What's that?"

But in other versions Frazier says he asked "What's in the sack, Lee?" ...

But no matter which version was subjected to PSE evaluation Frazier's voice  indicated severe stress .....

At one point O'Toole wanted to get a second opinion about Frazier's recorded casual conversation with newsmen ao he sent the tape recording to an expert for his opinion ..... 

After evaluating the tape the expert reported that Frazier's chart was a text book example of a person lying...He said that on a scale of one to ten.... Frazier was at eleven..... 
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 04:41:47 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2018, 04:15:33 PM »