See Dan, in the past I've asked some of the best CT's, what evidence they need to place Oswald on the 6th floor and invariably I get the usual answers, like "evidence that convinces me" or "evidence that proves he was there"
What's wrong with asking for "evidence that proves he was there"?
You've isolated my question without context but never the less, beyond the evidence we have, like the relatively fresh prints on the rifle rest moved halfway across the 6th floor, the murder weapon, no alibi, Brennan's first day extremely close description, Oswald's immediate fleeing from the crime scene and Oswald's lies in custody, what more evidence in your opinion is required for proof?
In any other case, a suspects fresh prints at the specific place where the crime took place, the ownership and the suspects prints on the murder weapon, no alibi, fleeing the crime scene which is a clear consciousness of guilt and along with lying to the authorities about your connection to the murder weapon would be alone enough evidence to prove to a jury that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And in this case the evidence goes so much deeper!