Oswald's prints being on a bag somehow equates to it being the same bag in your mind? Not suprising, given your usual process of "logic".
"his rifle". LOL. What evidence do you have that CE142 was "next to bullet casings"?
What evidence do you have that there was a rifle in the bag that Oswald carried. Or in CE142 for that matter?
You're like a broken record. For the umpteenth time, when was there ever a search done for a bag matching the size estimate of Frazier?
Please cite.
It's amusing that you consider assumptions to be evidence.
It amuses me no end that you claim Oswald carried a bag the size estimated by Frazier into the TSBD but then dismiss as unimportant that no such bag was ever found or accounted for in any manner as though that is not important. Dismissing this on the basis that there is no evidence that anyone search for it. LOL. Don't you believe the DPD searched that building? The most logical explanation for such a bag never being found is that it wasn't there because - as Oswald himself confirmed - he never carried a bag the size estimated by Frazier. Why would Oswald lie if he carried some shorter bag that contained a non-incriminatory item like curtain rods? He would seemingly have every incentive not only to admit that but direct the DPD to it to exonerate himself. But here we are supposed to believe he lied against his own self interest.
Mr. BALL. Now, did you tell him what Frazier had told you?
Mr. FRITZ. I don't know that I told him what Frazier had told me but I told him someone had told me.
Mr. BALL. What did you tell him?
Mr. FRITZ. I told him he had a package and put it in the back seat and it was a package about that long and it was curtain rods. He said he didn't have any kind of a package but his lunch. He said he had his lunch and that is all he had, and Mr. Frazier told me that he got out of the car with that package, he saw him go toward the building with this long package.
I asked him, I said, "Did you go toward the building carrying a long package?"
He said, "No. I didn't carry anything but my lunch."
There is further confirmation in Fritz's notes (which I assume you believe are the product of lies and fakery like all evidence against Oswald).