Can you tell us what she lied about?
Either can u - and according to Redlich:
"...matters which are of vital concern to the people of this country and the world."I don't trust what she said to the Commission because she under threat of deportation.
One needs to consider the forum in which she is speaking. Also listen to her now ....
A Statement to the Assassination Records Review Board
from Marina Oswald Porter, September 17, 1996=====================================================
"This case has never been OPENED. The twenty-six volumes of the Warren Commission do not support its conclusions. My final conclusion
is that the man--Lee--was not on the sixth floor. We're not even sure about the rifle. According to the local police chief, we never could
put the rifle and the person (Oswald) together. Lee was charged with the crime. They showed him a picture, said this is a rifle, this is
you; he denied it. But they never showed him the weapon for identification. I'm the one who was supposed to identify the rifle,
and I did, believing in the authorities' good intentions . But I was the worst of all. I knew nothing of weapons or guns; I knew nothing."