Marina LiedTHE AMMO | WC Testimony 2/6/64Mr. RANKIN. Now, do you recall your husband having any ammunition around the house at any time?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. And where do you remember his having it in the places you lived?
Mrs. OSWALD. On Neely Street, in Dallas, and New Orleans.
Mr. RANKIN. Do you know whether that was rifle ammunition or rifle and pistol ammunition?
Mrs. OSWALD. I think it was for the rifle. Perhaps he had some pistol ammunition there, but I would not know the difference.
WC Testimony 2/6/64Mr. RANKIN. Have you ever seen bullets or shells like that that your husband had?
Mrs. OSWALD. I think Lee's were smaller.
Mr. RANKIN. If that was the size for his gun, would that cause you to think it was the same?
Mrs. OSWALD Probably.
FBI 12/04/63 CE 1401She said he had never seen any ammunition around the houses in which they lived
FBI 12/16/63 File #105-8255-1172...She saw no ammunition for the rifle either in Dallas or New Orleans.
FBI 12/17/63 CE 1403Oswald did not have any ammunition for the rifle to her knowledge in their Dallas or New Orleans and did not speak of buying ammunition
THE PISTOL | WC Testimony 2/3/64 RANKIN: Do you recall when he first had the pistol, that you remember?
MRS. OSWALD: He had that on Neely Street, but I think that he acquired the rifle before he acquired the pistol.
The pistol I saw twice - once in his room, and the second time when I took these photographs
Secret Service Interview of Marina Oswald at Inn of Six Flags | Page 24Q: Did Lee own a pistol?
A: She said she never saw a pistol Lee owned.
Q: Did he ever have in his possession - not necessarily owned, but in his possession?
A: She said that she saw the rifle but she has never seen a pistol on Lee or in his possession or in the house.
RIFLE PRACTICE | WC Testimony 6/11/64RM. DULLES: How did he pack the gun or conceal the gun when he went out on the bus toward Love Field?
Mrs Oswald: Are you talking about the gun or the rifle
MR. DULLES: I am talking about the rifle. He used to wrap up in his raincoat'
Warren Commission: Vol. 5, Pg. 398, 6/11/64MRS-Oswald I saw him take the rifle only once on Neely Street but he cleaned the rifle perhaps
FBI: 12/16/63, FBI File #105-8255-1172 He never spoke of practicing with the rifle either in New Orleans or Dallas.
FBI: 12/16/63, FBI File #105-8255-1172She did not see him leave with the rifle nor return with the rifle at any time from their residence in New Orleans.
FBI: 12/17/63; CE 1403She cannot recall that he ever practiced firing the rifle either in New Orleans or in Dallas.
She does not think he did practice in New Orelans because as a rule he stayed home when he was not working.
FBI: 12/17/63; CE 1403 Marina did not see Oswald either take the rifle with him from the house in New Orleans or bring it back with him to the house on any occasion.
WALKER INCIDENT | FBI: 12/5/63 CE 1401On the evening that Oswald attempted to assassinate General Walker, Oswald came home at the usual time as best as she can remember,
and on that evening he said that he was going to his typewriting class. Oswald left at the usual time as best as she can remember.
Oswald when he came home from work that evening did not bring anything home with him. When he left supposedly for his typewriting
class he did not have a rifle or anything with him.
THE WALKER NOTEWC:Mr. RANKIN. What did you do with the note that he had left for you after you talked about it and said you were going to keep it?
Mrs. OSWALD. I had it among my things in a cookbook. But I have two--I don't remember in which.
HSCA:Mr. McDONALD. And what did you do with the note when he returned home?
Mrs. PORTER. I don't remember.
Mr. McDONALD. Is that note in existence now?
Mrs. PORTER. I don't know.
Redlich to Rankin Feb 28 1964"Neither you nor I have any desire smear the reputation of any individual. We cannot ignore however that Marina Oswald
has repeatedly lied to the Secret Service the FBI and the commission on matters which are of vital concern the people of this country and the world.
As you know I was not in favor of placing on the record story of her actions in Washington because we already
have statements which provided us with all that we need to know on this matter and formal testimony could have added very little.
But if a witness who has had close association with Marina Oswald is prepared to offer certain insights into her character,
including those of a derogatory nature I feel that the mandate of the commission's inquiry compels us to consider this testimony"
HSCAMr. REDLICH: I was probably the second staff person hired. When I came to the Warren Commission, which was some time in mid-December,
the only other staff person who was there as I recall was Mr. Willens. Initially, Mr. Rankin wanted me to work on special projects.
One of the first things I did, for example, was to draft a rule of procedures for the Commission. Then I was given an assignment
which tended to dominate the first 6 or 7 weeks of my work with the Commission. The Commission made a decision that the first witness
to be questioned would be Marina Oswald.
I was given the assignment of helping to prepare Mr. Rankin for the examination of Marina Oswald which was going to have to be very extensive.
In the course of that I started to read all of the investigatory reports that had come to us from the FBI and the Secret Service with a view
toward seeing how anything in those reports could bear upon any questions that we might ask Marina Oswald.
Since she knew so much about Lee Harvey Oswald's background, not only in terms of what she herself was witness to but what he may
have told her about his background, and since a great deal of that was in the investigatory reports, I had to go through all of
those investigatory reports with a view toward working with Mr. Rankin and helping to prepare him for that questioning."
At Love FieldRepresentative Ford; Did he take the rifle and the pistol to Love Field or at the time he went on the bus?
Mrs. Oswald: Only the rifle.
Mr. Mckenzie: (
attorney for Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald) Just a minute. Let me ask her a question. May I ask a question?
Representative Ford: Yes, sir.
Mr. Mckenzie: Representative Ford, I wasn't here as you know when Mrs. Oswald testified before. I have been with her when
she was interrogated by the FBI relative to practicing the rifle shooting. This is the first time that I have heard the use
of the words "Love Field." Has there been prior testimony by Mrs. Oswald here that he was practicing at Love Field, because
the reason I ask this is because she has steadfastly in the past told me and the FBI that she didn't know where he went to
practice and that is the reason I wanted to know.
Mr. Rankin: The record is----
Mrs. Oswald: I don't know where he practiced. I just think that the bus goes to, went to Love Field.
Mr. Rankin: Her testimony before was that the bus that he took, that she knows about when he went, was a bus
that went to Love Field, and she thought he went to some place in that area to do his practicing.
Mr. Mckenzie: The reason I ask the question, Mr. Rankin, is because I don't believe there is any practice area at Love Field for rifle practicing.
Mr. Rankin: Well, the investigation that the Commission has made shows that there is a place near Love Field where people do shooting and practicing.
Mr. Mckenzie: Not at Love Field.
Mr. Rankin: It is right adjacent, in the neighborhood.
Mrs. Oswald: Once we went out with Kathy Ford with the children to watch airplanes landing and these airplanes made a
tremendous noise and for that reason I thought that maybe my husband was practicing somewhere in that area because you
couldn't hear the sound of shots. I don't know if there is any place near there where one can practice shooting, though.
This idea just came to me.