Presumably he left at the end of the day and went home. He did not literally "never leave" his station. My recollection is that he was mostly asked about 11.22 not the days preceding the assassination. Do we even know if he went to work on those days leading up to the assassination? Regardless, Oswald could have made the bag on any day from the first day he started at the TSBD. He didn't necessarily make it that week - although I think that is most likely. His prints are on the bag. It is connected to him. It was found next to the SN boxes with his prints on the same floor as his rifle.
Roy Lewis, one of the manual workers at the TSBD: "We had order pickers and packers. Order pickers would get their assignment orders, take a clipboard, go up on the floors to pick their orders then bring them back down....The packers would then pack them, wrap them, and ship them out.
Occasionally the packers would go up to the upper floors if they had a mistake or if they couldn't find us, in which case they would go up and straighten it out themselves.
Mr. BELIN - Are you the only one that wraps the books for mailing, or wraps them up for mailing?
Mr. WEST - Well, no, sir; I am not the only one, but mine is that way just every day.
So Oswald took the paper from another machine/packer? Who had left the machine to check on an order. I would suggest that sometimes West had to check an order and left. He said he never did but is that possible?