Sorry I don't - a shorter length does not refute what she saw. I think I said that at least 3 times now.
Actually, I don't know what you are arguing anymore.
Well here let me refresh it for you. We weren’t arguing, at least four times I have explained a 27-inch bag cannot be carried in the manner Linnie Mae Randle described. It is simply true. You side stepped, changed the subject, and evaded the whole issue without ever explaining how LHO could have carried it in the manner she described without having been bent over at the waist. In turn it called into question BWF’s recounting of the length of the package which led you down a dark path about BWF with Fritz being at the center of the story of a conspiracy.
Does that help? If you want to ignore it then ignore it, but it will not make the issue go away. Funny how such a simple little detail, the bag being carried barely above the ground and the left hand supporting it down low, can define the whole event.