Whoa ! Randle makes no mention of the left hand or holding the bottom.
Mrs. RANDLE. He was carrying a package in a sort of a heavy brown bag, heavier than a grocery bag it looked to me. It was about, if I might measure, about this long, I suppose, and he carried it in his right hand, had the top sort of folded down and had a grip like this, and the bottom, he carried it this way, you know, and it almost touched the ground as he carried it.
Mr. BALL. Let me see. He carried it in his right hand, did he?
Mrs. RANDLE. That is right.
Mr. BALL. And where was his hand gripping the middle of the package?
Mrs. RANDLE. No, sir; the top with just a little bit sticking up. You know just like you grab something like that.
Mr. BALL. And he was grabbing it with his right hand at the top of the package and the package almost touched the ground?
Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir.
He's holding it like a grip bag with one hand - but she only saw him from the waist up.
(and white t shirt?)"He had on a white T-shirt, I just saw him from the waist up,..."it also gives absolutely no indication of a package longer than what Frazier said.
The 36" estimate was added by FBI Bookout by mistake - perhaps even fed to her. She has no reason to lie.
You put far too much weight in this unreliable witness at a glance - against Frazier - who is absolutely sure - palm to armpit.
Looking at this now, NO, her description does NOT match the placement of the fingerprints. Her description makes the bag no longer than what BWF saw
2x Lee carried an 8 lb. rifle with one hand.