Dear John, I'm not participating in your copy-paste show, so thanks to Martin for taking care of your "facts." Here comes an actual fact: The Warren Commission was so scared of Frazier's curtain rod story that they had to stage a curtain rod discovery show at the Paine residence, in the garage, starring Ruth Paine and their boy John Howlett. Unfortunately, Howlett had handed them in for printing BEFORE they were "found" in the garage, as seen on a CSSS form signed by both Howlett and DP Carl Day. Bummer!
After spending way too much time on this, while trying to watch the footy, I can't possibly see how anyone can get conspiracy from this, human error perhaps, but that's as far as it goes.
The Paines were in Washington giving evidence on the 18th of March.
On the 23rd of March, Ruth Paine was back in Irving at the Paine residence, with Howlett and Jenner measuring stuff.
Lt. Day was not there, but is probably overworked and under payed and by this stage is having an absolute gutful of this entire endless investigation.
On the 23rd the curtain rod exhibits 275 and 276 are numbered and taken by Howlett to Lt. Day.
Lt. Day who was not there, either misheard or misinterpreted the date Howlett collected the curtain rods, as being the 15th. A Sunday?
Howlett takes the curtain rods to Day on the 24th, hence why 24th as the pick-up is written on the form because Day anticipates having to set aside his workload and do the work immediately.
Howlett realizing an immediate turnaround is unfeasible and says he will be back in a couple of days, so take your time.
Lt. Day does the fingerprint check on the 25th.
Day corrects the Howlett pick up date to the 26th.
No problems, easy peasy!

BTW, considering ALL of this is easily accessible, makes the very thought that it's somehow conspiratorial, absurd but Tom if you can convince me that it's something beyond innocent human error, I'm all ears!