There are a lot of problems with Brennan.First - He FAILED to identify Lee at the line ups. It doesn't matter what reason he gave later. He failed to identify him. gave several different reason to not choose Oswald. He said he had seen the man on TV and that might have
"[ed] any identification.." in his book, he didn't trust the Dallas Police.
"I felt even more angry and betrayed. I hadn’t agreed to make an identification to the local authorities.
I knew that there were ways my identity could become known though the leaks in the police department and I didn’t want any part of it." Meanwhile, his face was already on the local television the day of, with pictures of him talking to the Secret Service.
Brennan boasted about the expedited broadcast to attorney Belin during his Commission testimony, asking if he had seen it.
His name, age, and occupation, also appeared in the Dallas Morning News as a statement to the press the day after.
The FBI took several statements from Brennan from Nov 22, until the day he testified.
Other visits were required when Howard
"appeared to revert to his earlier inability" to identify Lee Oswald.
These recorded statements raise doubts, in addition to other direct contradictions in his testimony.
The most important discrepancy I can see is, what he said at the end of testimony.
They were quick to dismiss him right after he said it:
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember the specific color of any shirt
that the man with the rifle was wearing?
Mr. BRENNAN. No, other than light, and a khaki color--maybe in khaki.
I mean other than light color--not a real white shirt, in other words.
If it was a white shirt, it was on the dingy side.
Mr. BELIN. All right. Could you see the man's trousers at all?
Do you remember any color?
Mr. BRENNAN. I remembered them at that time as being similar to the
same color
of the shirt or a little lighter. And that was another thing that I called their attention to at the lineup.
Mr. BELIN. What do you mean by that?
he was not dressed in the same clothes that I saw the man in the window.
Mr. BELIN. You mean with reference to the trousers or the shirt?
Mr. BRENNAN. Well, not particularly either. In other words,
he just didn't have the same clothes on.Mr. BELIN. All right.
Mr. BRENNAN. I don't know whether you have that in the record or not. I am sure you do.
Mr. DULLES. Any further questions? I guess there are no more questions, Mr. Belin.
The films of the 6th floor as the car makes the turn show no face or flesh tone in that window - it is covered in boxes and what looks like a pipe
coming out of the window. The WC had six witnesses that saw a rifle but, up until Brennan, none would say they saw Oswald.
But the HSCA found a witness that had seen someone in that room moving boxes 2-5 mins after the shooting.
Lt Day had concerns on the witness stand that the boxes were not the same configuration he saw when he was there, Carolyn Walther, Richard Carr and Johnny Powell all saw more than one person in the window before the president arrived.
All three saw a combination of light colored clothing - Spanish looking people - a rifle - and a man in a brown suit. All were ignored by the WC.
There again, Commission witnesses, Arnold Rowland & Amos Euins also saw light colored clothing and what they thought were "colored" people in the window.
IMO, when they had no one to identify Lee, it came down to;
"Mr Brennan, we know who you saw, we have his rifle. Will you testify?" Not very difficult.