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Author Topic: Buell Wesley Frazier  (Read 179753 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #656 on: March 13, 2025, 08:56:41 AM »
To my knowledge, no other witness pulled the commie card, certainly not those who pointed their finger at Oswald. Brennan's commie paranoia BS would be a hard sell in court, especially since it cured itself so quickly. "Under oath" only means you can get in trouble if you're caught lying. Your list would obviously not have stood unchallenged, so your jury argument is essentially moot; the defense would have destroyed it, especially "Oswald's rifle." —ROFL.

Destroyed it? Destroyed it?

Talk about delusional

To my knowledge, no other witness pulled the commie card, certainly not those who pointed their finger at Oswald.

How many eyewitnesses were there that went to a line-up who saw the President of the United States being shot? Brennan had every right to fear for his family

Brennan's commie paranoia BS would be a hard sell in court, especially since it cured itself so quickly.

After Oswald was killed and his lone nutter status quickly became clear, Brennan had little reason to fear any reprisals. And what did Brennan get out of this, not much!

"Under oath" only means you can get in trouble if you're caught lying.

Yeah, and lying about any evidence in connection with the murder of the President of the United States could mean a long stay behind bars, so Brennan's best interest was to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and since he swore on the bible, lying could mean eternal damnation in the pits of Hell!

Your list would obviously not have stood unchallenged, so your jury argument is essentially moot; the defense would have destroyed it, especially "Oswald's rifle." —ROFL.

Sure a good defence would challenge everything, let's see how far that gets you in connection with my list.

1) No debate Brennan's extremely close description was broadcast on the Police radio at 12:45

2) Oswald's relatively fresh prints were in the sniper's nest, these prints on multiple boxes according to the FBI Experts were no more than 3 days old, and in addition the Rolling reader boxes which were moved half way across the 6th floor were a unique size perfectly suitable to create a rifle rest and to top it off Oswald's prints were on top of the closer Rolling Reader box orientated as if Oswald was looking down Elm street, the Defence could argue that Oswald worked there but the prosecution would counter with, every employee was not paid to touch every box in the building every three days making the prohibitive probability that Oswald touched these boxes as a matter of his job extremely low.

3) Oswald's rifle was ordered, paid for, sent to his PO Box, was photographed with and was found at his work! The defence could argue that each of these were faked by persons unknown and the rifle was planted but you'd be laughed put of court, pathetic!

4) Again this is a no brainer Oswald decided to leave not at the start of lunch, not at the end of lunch but within 3 minutes of the President being shot. Then Oswald in a blind panic bashes on the door of a bus stuck in Traffic then after a short time jumps off and gets a cab which then stops way past his rooming house. Every step shows a consciousness of guilt, the defence would have no hope justifying any of this. Their best bet would be to say Oswald knew something and fled, but that could only mean Oswald was involved and the Death Penalty would equally apply to him.

5+6+7) Explained above. The defence could say that it was "Game Over" because of the initial apprehension but when weighed with his first description along with a very real fear of his family being slaughtered, His testimony would sway any jury.

See Tom, you've been smashed! Next time, Try Harder!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #656 on: March 13, 2025, 08:56:41 AM »

Offline Tom Sorensen

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #657 on: March 13, 2025, 11:10:16 AM »
Destroyed it? Destroyed it?

Talk about delusional

How many eyewitnesses were there that went to a line-up who saw the President of the United States being shot? Brennan had every right to fear for his family

After Oswald was killed and his lone nutter status quickly became clear, Brennan had little reason to fear any reprisals. And what did Brennan get out of this, not much!

Yeah, and lying about any evidence in connection with the murder of the President of the United States could mean a long stay behind bars, so Brennan's best interest was to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and since he swore on the bible, lying could mean eternal damnation in the pits of Hell!

Sure a good defence would challenge everything, let's see how far that gets you in connection with my list.

1) No debate Brennan's extremely close description was broadcast on the Police radio at 12:45

2) Oswald's relatively fresh prints were in the sniper's nest, these prints on multiple boxes according to the FBI Experts were no more than 3 days old, and in addition the Rolling reader boxes which were moved half way across the 6th floor were a unique size perfectly suitable to create a rifle rest and to top it off Oswald's prints were on top of the closer Rolling Reader box orientated as if Oswald was looking down Elm street, the Defence could argue that Oswald worked there but the prosecution would counter with, every employee was not paid to touch every box in the building every three days making the prohibitive probability that Oswald touched these boxes as a matter of his job extremely low.

3) Oswald's rifle was ordered, paid for, sent to his PO Box, was photographed with and was found at his work! The defence could argue that each of these were faked by persons unknown and the rifle was planted but you'd be laughed put of court, pathetic!

4) Again this is a no brainer Oswald decided to leave not at the start of lunch, not at the end of lunch but within 3 minutes of the President being shot. Then Oswald in a blind panic bashes on the door of a bus stuck in Traffic then after a short time jumps off and gets a cab which then stops way past his rooming house. Every step shows a consciousness of guilt, the defence would have no hope justifying any of this. Their best bet would be to say Oswald knew something and fled, but that could only mean Oswald was involved and the Death Penalty would equally apply to him.

5+6+7) Explained above. The defence could say that it was "Game Over" because of the initial apprehension but when weighed with his first description along with a very real fear of his family being slaughtered, His testimony would sway any jury.

See Tom, you've been smashed! Next time, Try Harder!


There was no trial, and there was no jury; consequently, Brennan wasn't cross-examined, and his commie BS excuse wasn't challenged. You have no clue what the defense would have uncovered and how a jury would have reacted. The Carcano "paper trail" the FBI was spoon-feeding Earl Warren's boys would have been trashed. I schooled you on this years ago, and you got smoked, as in totally smoked. Why do you keep doing this to yourself?

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #658 on: March 13, 2025, 11:21:27 AM »

2) Oswald's fresh prints in the sniper's nest, the same window Brennan identified.

Oswald works there, his prints are expected to be anywhere.

3) Oswald's rifle.

"Oswald's Rifle" LOL

4) Oswald's flight from the scene of the crime.

He left the building. Others did too, there was no flight.

5) Special agent Sorrels who testified at the line-up that Brennan told him that man 2, "Oswald" was the closest man.

Sorrels wrote in his notebook: "FAILED TO IDENTIFY"

6) Brennan's testimony under oath that he was afraid for his family because of a possible Communist connection. A very real worry.

He gave 3 different reason not to choose Oswald. He also gave his name, age, and occupation on television.

7) Brennan stating categorically in his testimony under oath that he could have identified Oswald.

Could have, but didn't.

->> "Mr. H.L. Brennan witnessed this showing with Mr. Sorrells of the Secret Service. Failed to identify."
« Last Edit: March 13, 2025, 12:02:19 PM by Michael Capasse »

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #658 on: March 13, 2025, 11:21:27 AM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #659 on: March 13, 2025, 02:07:09 PM »

5+6+7) Explained above. The defence could say that it was "Game Over" because of the initial apprehension but when weighed with his first description along with a very real fear of his family being slaughtered, His testimony would sway any jury.

See Tom, you've been smashed! Next time, Try Harder!


Isn't this ironic, coming from the same guy who moments earlier said;

Game over? Game over?

Sorry Tom but [sic] but neither you or I are in a position to make that assertion, it would come down to an unbiased Jury to balance the evidence and then they could draw their own conclusion.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #660 on: March 13, 2025, 02:58:15 PM »
Oswald works there, his prints are expected to be anywhere.

"Oswald's Rifle" LOL

He left the building. Others did too, there was no flight.

Sorrels wrote in his notebook: "FAILED TO IDENTIFY"

He gave 3 different reason not to choose Oswald. He also gave his name, age, and occupation on television.

Could have, but didn't.

->> "Mr. H.L. Brennan witnessed this showing with Mr. Sorrells of the Secret Service. Failed to identify."

Laughable.  A lot of people "worked there" but Oswald was the only employee to leave his prints on the boxes.  So unlucky.  A multitude of different sources link Oswald to the rifle including his prints. No other person has ever been linked to that rifle by ANY evidence.  No other employee left the building and never reported again, got a gun, killed a police officer, and resisted arrest.  At the very least Brennan confirms that a slender, white male fired the shots from the 6th floor window.  That alone debunks many conspiracy theories. Even the most deranged CTer must admit that Brennan's description at least is consistent with Oswald and certainly does not exclude him as the shooter. 

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #660 on: March 13, 2025, 02:58:15 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #661 on: March 13, 2025, 03:14:36 PM »
Laughable.  A lot of people "worked there" but Oswald was the only employee to leave his prints on the boxes.  So unlucky.  A multitude of different sources link Oswald to the rifle including his prints. No other person has ever been linked to that rifle by ANY evidence.  No other employee left the building and never reported again, got a gun, killed a police officer, and resisted arrest.  At the very least Brennan confirms that a slender, white male fired the shots from the 6th floor window.  That alone debunks many conspiracy theories. Even the most deranged CTer must admit that Brennan's description at least is consistent with Oswald and certainly does not exclude him as the shooter.
"Others left the building"? Yes, after they were questioned by the police and told they could leave. Oswald was *the only* person in the building at the time of the shooting who left right afterwards. Without permission. Again, he comes out of the building and shows no interest at all in this chaos going on right outside. Yelling and screaming, police officers with their guns drawn. He has no curiosity about all of this? In fact, he shows no interest at all at anytime *after* the shooting. Not a bit.

This is another example of "lots of people did that" when it comes to Oswald. As if nothing distinguishes Oswald from these "lots of people." See, Oswald was just like everyone else.

A conspiracy involving Oswald as a participant is plausible. One that has him completely innocent requires absurd arguments and explanations.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2025, 08:40:22 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #662 on: March 13, 2025, 03:31:45 PM »
A lot of people "worked there" but Oswald was the only employee to leave his prints on the boxes. 

Means nothing. Lee picks books out of boxes. There are also unidentified prints on those boxes. 

A multitude of different sources link Oswald to the rifle including his prints.

Oswald's prints on the rifle are garbage. Found only after Oswald was dead.

No other person has ever been linked to that rifle by ANY evidence.

Conclusively true, and that includes Oswald.

No other employee left the building and never reported again. 

 BS: Here is a list.

Lee was NOT the only employee to leave the building and not return.
The following employees also did not return to work after the assassination.

Jack Charles Cason – President of School Book Depository – left building at 12:10 p.m. and went home (22H 640)
Gloria Jean Holt clerk at TSBD – does not return after shooting. (19H 526 | 22H 652)
Sharon Simmons Nelson, Secretary, does not return after shooting. (Ibid)

Bonnie Richey, Secretary, does not return after the shooting. (22H 671)
Carolyn Arnold does not return after shooting. (22H 635)
Mrs. Donald Baker, Clerk, does not return after shooting. (22H 635)

Judy Marie Johnson does not return after shooting. (22H 256)
Ms. Stella Mae Jacob does not return after shooting. (22H 665)
Virginia H. Brnum – McGraw-Hill employee, does not return after shooting. (22H 636)

Vida Lee Whately – Clerk, does not return after shooting. (22H 680)
Warren Caster, ate lunch in Denton. (22H 641 | 26H 738)
Spaudlin “Pud” Jones, eating lunch at Blue Front with Herbert. (22H 658)

Herbert L. Junker – McMillian employee, (22H 659)
Mrs. Helen Palmer, Clerk, not present as she was at Love Field. (22H 659)
Franklin Kaiser – absent from work on 11/22/63. (6H 342 | 23H 751)

Charles Givens does not return after the shooting; an APB was issued for him.

The following were absent that day

Vickie Davis, employee, was absent.
Dottie Lovelady, employee, was absent.
Mrs. Rudell Parsons, employee, was absent.

Joe Bergen, Scott Foreman, was absent.
Maury Brown, McGraw-Hill, was absent.
John Langston, was absent.

... got a gun, killed a police officer, and resisted arrest. 

All subject to further proof.

At the very least Brennan confirms that a slender, white male fired the shots from the 6th floor window. 

Did I mention that 3 other people corroborate: more than one person in the window before the president arrived.
Spanish looking men in light colored clothing - a rifle and a man in a brown suit.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2025, 03:54:57 PM by Michael Capasse »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #663 on: March 13, 2025, 03:33:45 PM »
"Others left the building"? Yes, after they were questioned by the police and told they could leave. Oswald was *the only* person in the building at the time of the shooting who left right afterwards. Without permission.


Lee was NOT the only employee to leave the building and not return.
The following employees also did not return to work after the assassination.

Jack Charles Cason – President of School Book Depository – left building at 12:10 p.m. and went home (22H 640)
Gloria Jean Holt clerk at TSBD – does not return after shooting. (19H 526 | 22H 652)
Sharon Simmons Nelson, Secretary, does not return after shooting. (Ibid)

Bonnie Richey, Secretary, does not return after the shooting. (22H 671)
Carolyn Arnold does not return after shooting. (22H 635)
Mrs. Donald Baker, Clerk, does not return after shooting. (22H 635)

Judy Marie Johnson does not return after shooting. (22H 256)
Ms. Stella Mae Jacob does not return after shooting. (22H 665)
Virginia H. Brnum – McGraw-Hill employee, does not return after shooting. (22H 636)

Vida Lee Whately – Clerk, does not return after shooting. (22H 680)
Warren Caster, ate lunch in Denton. (22H 641 | 26H 738)
Spaudlin “Pud” Jones, eating lunch at Blue Front with Herbert. (22H 658)

Herbert L. Junker – McMillian employee, (22H 659)
Mrs. Helen Palmer, Clerk, not present as she was at Love Field. (22H 659)
Franklin Kaiser – absent from work on 11/22/63. (6H 342 | 23H 751)

Charles Givens does not return after the shooting; an APB was issued for him.

The following were absent that day

Vickie Davis, employee, was absent.
Dottie Lovelady, employee, was absent.
Mrs. Rudell Parsons, employee, was absent.

Joe Bergen, Scott Foreman, was absent.
Maury Brown, McGraw-Hill, was absent.
John Langston, was absent.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2025, 03:35:53 PM by Michael Capasse »

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #663 on: March 13, 2025, 03:33:45 PM »