The rifle had been dropped on the floor and put between some boxes.
Dropped? - look at the picture - how do you drop a rifle landing "on end" underneath a box?

I don't believe that rifle was dropped.
The scope was removed to check the rifle for prints.
So what? - FBI knows how to put to back - and had to add 5 shims to stabilize it.
Even if there was some misalignment with the scope, an experienced shooter who had used the rifle could make adjustments to compensate.
Incredible that the "gun nut", would own only one PoS rifle for 8 months and NEVER did anything to better it.
And, of course, Oswald only hit two out of three times.
How do you know what tools he had to "rebuild" the rifle?
I know I would pack the same tool I used to break it down. Do you have any evidence of that?
Why would it even be necessary to remove the scope to disassemble the rifle to fit the bag?
I never said that Look at the picture - it's attached to barrel housing.
My point is if the scope is wobbling and he uses iron sight anyway - why pack it?
Other LNs have claimed he used the iron sights because the FBI found the scope was crap.
What do you say? In the end - it's just a lot of he "must of done it"'s - Forget about proof because most of what you see here has no evidence.
It all comes back to the strength of the evidence that he carried a rifle in the building in the first place.
Put 2 solid things together that proves he "owns" that bag and you have something to move forward on.
Otherwise it's just broken and inconsistent throughout this case.
Looks like a frame up.