No evidence? Just his own wife confirming including it and also that Oswald told her that he did so. To the extent Marina ever lied about anything in this case, it was to protect her husband, not incriminate him. Why would she lie about him practicing with the rifle? Whether he did or not is not that important. If Marina was willing to lie to incriminate Oswald, why didn't they get her to say that she saw him put the rifle in the bag or that he hated JFK or something along those lines? Instead she is lying about him practicing with the rifle? HA HA HA. Do you think he just ordered a rifle, took pictures of himself holding it, but never used it? He just thought it looked nice. More weak sauce.
More broken and inconsistent evidence. If only you had something solid to build on.
Redlich to Rankin | Feb 28, 1964"Neither you nor I have any desire to smear the reputation of any individual.
We cannot ignore however, that Marina Oswald,
has repeatedly lied to the Secret Service, the FBI, and
the Commission on matters which are of vital concern to the people of this country and the world.
As you know I was not in favor of placing on the record the story of her actions in Washington because
we already have statements which provided us with all that we need to know on this matter and
formal testimony could have added very little.
But if a witness who has had close association with Marina Oswald is prepared to offer certain insights into her character,
including those of a derogatory nature, I feel that the mandate of the commission's inquiry, compels us to consider this testimony."