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Author Topic: Buell Wesley Frazier  (Read 183016 times)

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #752 on: March 16, 2025, 04:44:23 PM »
Just answer 1 question, why would Walker compare his mutilated bullet to an "unfired bullet"?


CE 573 doesn't look like a bullet unfired or otherwise, much less the bullet that came out of my wall.
He doesn't care about any other bullet, and will make sure they are talking about his or not.
You're just making it up as you go

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #752 on: March 16, 2025, 04:44:23 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #753 on: March 16, 2025, 04:45:16 PM »
So many words but again no responses.

I kept it to a minimum so even you should be able to follow along; what responses are you missing?

Again, can you tells us what Marina lied about?

Unknown to me, but I doubt that Norman would come forward with that claim without something to back it up. Are you losing confidence in the WC?

And it's not a logical inference that someone who buys a rifle will use it to shoot?   

It would require someone to be in possession of matching ammo.


Is that some kind of argument?

Can you tell us what someone would do with a rifle?

Um, not without asking. WTF are you rambling about?

It appears to have a singular purpose,

Appears. Who cares what it appears to you?

but do you think Oswald intended to so something other than fire it like using it as a hockey stick to gain entry into the NHL?

I already answered that question, which is further supported by the fact that he didn't buy ammo, although Klein's had a package deal including a clip and ammo.

It's embarrassing to see the lengths that you will go to avoid admitting the obvious.

Tsk-tsk, all your wild speculation has been taken care of.

More words.   Let me try again. 

1)  Give us an example of Marina lying.  If you have none, just admit that. To my knowledge the only possible known instances of Marina "lying" involve her trying to protect Oswald rather than incriminate him.  I assume that is the source of frustration being expressed in the source that you cite.  You would seemingly agree with that conclusion since I assume you believe the authorities were trying to frame Oswald.  In which case, they would be supportive instead of critical of any lies Marina might tell to incriminate Oswald.

2)  Tell us what someone would do with a rifle other than use it to shoot at something (e.g. practice). 

3)  Provide your evidence to prove that Oswald never bought ammo for the rifle from any of the large number of gun stores in the Dallas area.   Are you saying the only source of such ammo was from Klein's?

Online John Mytton

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #754 on: March 16, 2025, 05:11:09 PM »
CE 573 doesn't look like a bullet unfired or otherwise, much less the bullet that came out of my wall.
He doesn't care about any other bullet, and will make sure they are talking about his or not.
You're just making it up as you go

CE 573 doesn't look like a bullet unfired...

Exactly. Walker differentiates his mutilated bullet with the one he says he saw on TV, an "unfired bullet", therefore Walker wasn't looking at CE 573 but one that appeared to be "pristine". Hint CE 399.

much less the bullet that came out of my wall.

For the reasons I outlined above, if Walker saw CE 573 he would say how his bullet was different to CE 573, but Walker did make a comparison, he compared his bullet to an "unfired bullet" Hint CE 399

He doesn't care about any other bullet,


and will make sure they are talking about his or not.

Yes, Walker was under the impression that the "unfired bullet" he saw on TV was his bullet, hence his aggravation.

You're just making it up as you go

My argument hasn't deviated since I started.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2025, 05:13:53 PM by John Mytton »

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #754 on: March 16, 2025, 05:11:09 PM »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #755 on: March 16, 2025, 05:16:32 PM »
These documents from the Weisberg collection raise serious doubts that the Carcano was the rifle used in the Walker shooting.

A streel jacket bullet was recorded multiple times.
Evidence against Oswald continues to fail.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2025, 05:17:27 PM by Michael Capasse »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #756 on: March 16, 2025, 05:34:14 PM »
These documents from the Weisberg collection raise serious doubts that the Carcano was the rifle used in the Walker shooting.

A streel jacket bullet was recorded multiple times.
Evidence against Oswald continues to fail.

Officer Norvell discovered the bullet.

Mr. BELIN. Could you tell us what 573 is?
Mr. DAY. This slug was gotten from the home of former General Edwin Walker, 4011 Turtle Creek, April 10, 1963, by Detective B.G. Brown, one of the officers under my supervision. He brought this in and released it to me.

BTW I noticed you failed to respond to my post where you requested two pieces of evidence, and supplied four.

• Found in Oswald's possessions, a photo of Walkers house. Also accompanying is written instructions for Marina which according to specific details can be correspondingly dated at the same time as the Walker assassination attempt, also of note is Oswald saying "if I'm alive and taken prisoner" means he wasn't planning on tiptoeing through the Tulips.

• Found in Oswald's possessions, a map with Walkers house location marked with a cross

• Found in Oswald's possessions, a photo taken with the same photo that took Oswald family snaps, of a laneway next to Walkers house, taken just before the assassination attempt and the time frame of when the photo was taken was determined by partially finished construction.

• And a decade and a half after the WC, when Marina Porter(previously known as Marina Oswald) had no reason to fear being deported she still recalls Oswald telling her about the Walker assassination attempt.

Mr. McDONALD. Directing your attention to that day, April 10, 1963, would you tell us what happened?
Mrs. PORTER. Well, I cannot remember the timing all the very vivid details of day. I just can state it that that particular night he did not come home until very late, and when he did not come home at regular time, I was worried about him. So I found a note addressed to me what to do in case if he did not come home. Of course I was petrified. Nobody I can turn to. But then later that night when he came home, I asked him to explain. He was out of breath and he was pale, and asked him to explain this note, and he said that "I just shot General Walker." So I was very upset and enraged about that, and we had an argument over it.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #756 on: March 16, 2025, 05:34:14 PM »

Offline Tom Sorensen

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #757 on: March 16, 2025, 05:39:16 PM »

More words.   Let me try again. 

1)  Give us an example of Marina lying.  If you have none, just admit that. To my knowledge the only possible known instances of Marina "lying" involve her trying to protect Oswald rather than incriminate him.  I assume that is the source of frustration being expressed in the source that you cite.  You would seemingly agree with that conclusion since I assume you believe the authorities were trying to frame Oswald.  In which case, they would be supportive instead of critical of any lies Marina might tell to incriminate Oswald.

2)  Tell us what someone would do with a rifle other than use it to shoot at something (e.g. practice). 

3)  Provide your evidence to prove that Oswald never bought ammo for the rifle from any of the large number of gun stores in the Dallas area.   Are you saying the only source of such ammo was from Klein's?

More words.  

More filler.

Let me try again. 


1)  Give us an example of Marina lying.  If you have none, just admit that. To my knowledge the only possible known instances of Marina "lying" involve her trying to protect Oswald rather than incriminate him.  I assume that is the source of frustration being expressed in the source that you cite.  You would seemingly agree with that conclusion since I assume you believe the authorities were trying to frame Oswald.  In which case, they would be supportive instead of critical of any lies Marina might tell to incriminate Oswald.

I'm surprised myself, since the WC was so keen on transparency. It could be that her lies referred to by Redlich were so blatantly stupid that they threatened to undermine their credibility. Try the one where she imprisoned Lee in a bathroom. But let's do it this way: Since my arguments don't rely on Marinan lying, I'll simply drop her Redlich. The burden of proof is on you, still. So far you haven't produced a shred of evidence that supports Oswald firing the rifle on an airstrip; the WC had nothing to offer.

2)  Tell us what someone would do with a rifle other than use it to shoot at something (e.g. practice). 

Collectors buy rifles.

3)  Provide your evidence to prove that Oswald never bought ammo for the rifle from any of the large number of gun stores in the Dallas area.   

Sorry, did you really hope that shifting the burden of proof would work? BTW, there wasn't a large number of gun stores in Dallas stocking Carcano ammo. Learn the evidence.

Are you saying the only source of such ammo was from Klein's?

« Last Edit: March 16, 2025, 06:14:56 PM by Tom Sorensen »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #758 on: March 16, 2025, 06:16:37 PM »
Marina Lied

THE AMMO  | WC Testimony 2/6/64
Mr. RANKIN. Now, do you recall your husband having any ammunition around the house at any time?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.

Mr. RANKIN. And where do you remember his having it in the places you lived?
Mrs. OSWALD. On Neely Street, in Dallas, and New Orleans.

Mr. RANKIN. Do you know whether that was rifle ammunition or rifle and pistol ammunition?
Mrs. OSWALD. I think it was for the rifle. Perhaps he had some pistol ammunition there, but I would not know the difference.

WC Testimony 2/6/64
Mr. RANKIN. Have you ever seen bullets or shells like that that your husband had?
Mrs. OSWALD. I think Lee's were smaller.

Mr. RANKIN. If that was the size for his gun, would that cause you to think it was the same?
Mrs. OSWALD Probably.

FBI 12/04/63 CE 1401
She said he had never seen any ammunition around the houses in which they lived

FBI 12/16/63  File #105-8255-1172
...She saw no ammunition for the rifle either in Dallas or New Orleans.

FBI 12/17/63 CE 1403
Oswald did not have any ammunition for the rifle to her knowledge in their Dallas or New Orleans and did not speak of buying ammunition

THE PISTOL | WC Testimony 2/3/64
RANKIN: Do you recall when he first had the pistol, that you remember?

MRS. OSWALD: He had that on Neely Street, but I think that he acquired the rifle before he acquired the pistol.
The pistol I saw twice - once in his room, and the second time when I took these photographs

Secret Service Interview of Marina Oswald at Inn of Six Flags | Page 23
Q: Did Lee own a pistol?
A: She said she never saw a pistol Lee owned.

Q: Did he ever have in his possession - not necessarily owned, but in his possession?
A: She said that she saw the rifle but she has never seen a pistol on Lee or in his possession or in the house.

RIFLE PRACTICE | WC Testimony 6/11/64
RM. DULLES: How did he pack the gun or conceal the gun when he went out on the bus toward Love Field?
Mrs Oswald: Are you talking about the gun or the rifle

MR. DULLES: I am talking about the rifle. He used to wrap up in his raincoat'

Warren Commission: Vol. 5, Pg. 398, 6/11/64
MRS-Oswald I saw him take the rifle only once on Neely Street but he cleaned the rifle perhaps

FBI: 12/16/63, FBI File #105-8255-1172
He never spoke of practicing with the rifle either in New Orleans or Dallas.

FBI: 12/16/63, FBI File #105-8255-1172
She did not see him leave with the rifle nor return with the rifle at any time from their residence in New Orleans.

FBI: 12/17/63; CE 1403
She cannot recall that he ever practiced firing the rifle either in New Orleans or in Dallas.
She does not think he did practice in New Orelans because as a rule he stayed home when he was not working.

FBI: 12/17/63; CE 1403
Marina did not see Oswald either take the rifle with him from the house in New Orleans or bring it back with him to the house on any occasion.

WALKER INCIDENT | FBI: 12/5/63 CE 1401
On the evening that Oswald attempted to assassinate General Walker, Oswald came home at the usual time as best as she can remember,
and on that evening he said that he was going to his typewriting class. Oswald left at the usual time as best as she can remember.
Oswald when he came home from work that evening did not bring anything home with him. When he left supposedly for his typewriting
class he did not have a rifle or anything with him.


Mr. RANKIN. What did you do with the note that he had left for you after you talked about it and said you were going to keep it?
Mrs. OSWALD. I had it among my things in a cookbook. But I have two--I don't remember in which.

Mr. McDONALD. And what did you do with the note when he returned home?
Mrs. PORTER. I don't remember.

Mr. McDONALD. Is that note in existence now?
Mrs. PORTER. I don't know.

Redlich to Rankin Feb 28 1964
"Neither you nor I have any desire smear the reputation of any individual. We cannot ignore however that Marina Oswald
has repeatedly lied to the Secret Service the FBI and the commission on matters which are of vital concern the people of this country and the world.

As you know I was not in favor of placing on the record story of her actions in Washington because we already
have statements which provided us with all that we need to know on this matter and formal testimony could have added very little.

But if a witness who has had close association with Marina Oswald is prepared to offer certain insights into her character,
including those of a derogatory nature I feel that the mandate of the commission's inquiry compels us to consider this testimony" 

Mr. REDLICH: I was probably the second staff person hired. When I came to the Warren Commission, which was some time in mid-December,
the only other staff person who was there as I recall was Mr. Willens. Initially, Mr. Rankin wanted me to work on special projects.
One of the first things I did, for example, was to draft a rule of procedures for the Commission. Then I was given an assignment
which tended to dominate the first 6 or 7 weeks of my work with the Commission. The Commission made a decision that the first witness
to be questioned would be Marina Oswald.

I was given the assignment of helping to prepare Mr. Rankin for the examination of Marina Oswald which was going to have to be very extensive.
In the course of that I started to read all of the investigatory reports that had come to us from the FBI and the Secret Service with a view
toward seeing how anything in those reports could bear upon any questions that we might ask Marina Oswald.

Since she knew so much about Lee Harvey Oswald's background, not only in terms of what she herself was witness to but what he may
have told her about his background, and since a great deal of that was in the investigatory reports, I had to go through all of
those investigatory reports with a view toward working with Mr. Rankin and helping to prepare him for that questioning."

At Love Field
Representative Ford; Did he take the rifle and the pistol to Love Field or at the time he went on the bus?
Mrs. Oswald: Only the rifle.

Mr. Mckenzie: (attorney for Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald) Just a minute. Let me ask her a question. May I ask a question?
Representative Ford:  Yes, sir.

Mr. Mckenzie: Representative Ford, I wasn't here as you know when Mrs. Oswald testified before. I have been with her when
she was interrogated by the FBI relative to practicing the rifle shooting. This is the first time that I have heard the use
of the words "Love Field." Has there been prior testimony by Mrs. Oswald here that he was practicing at Love Field, because
the reason I ask this is because she has steadfastly in the past told me and the FBI that she didn't know where he went to
practice and that is the reason I wanted to know.

Mr. Rankin: The record is----
Mrs. Oswald: I don't know where he practiced. I just think that the bus goes to, went to Love Field.

Mr. Rankin: Her testimony before was that the bus that he took, that she knows about when he went, was a bus
that went to Love Field, and she thought he went to some place in that area to do his practicing.

Mr. Mckenzie: The reason I ask the question, Mr. Rankin, is because I don't believe there is any practice area at Love Field for rifle practicing.
Mr. Rankin: Well, the investigation that the Commission has made shows that there is a place near Love Field where people do shooting and practicing.

Mr. Mckenzie: Not at Love Field.
Mr. Rankin: It is right adjacent, in the neighborhood.

Mrs. Oswald: Once we went out with Kathy Ford with the children to watch airplanes landing and these airplanes made a
tremendous noise and for that reason I thought that maybe my husband was practicing somewhere in that area because you
couldn't hear the sound of shots. I don't know if there is any place near there where one can practice shooting, though.
This idea just came to me.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2025, 01:44:45 AM by Michael Capasse »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #759 on: March 16, 2025, 06:36:42 PM »
I have to go out - I'll be back. I want to talk about the so called, "Walker Note"

Found in Oswald's possessions, a photo of Walkers house. Also accompanying is written instructions for Marina which according to specific details can be correspondingly dated at the same time as the Walker assassination attempt, also of note is Oswald saying "if I'm alive and taken prisoner" means he wasn't planning on tiptoeing through the Tulips.

The note is written in Russian. There is no date. There is no signature. There is NO MENTION of Walker at all.
How is this in anyway related to the General?  Any thoughts on why he would even write this note?

In translation, the note read as follows:
1. This is the key to the mailbox which is located in the main post office in the city on Ervay Street.
This is the same street where the drugstore, in which you always waited is located. You will find the mailbox in the post office which is
located 4 blocks from the drugstore on that street. I paid for the box last month so don't worry about it.

2. Send the information as to what has happened to me to the Embassy and include newspaper clippings
(should there be anything about me in the newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will come quickly to your assistance on learning everything.

3. I paid the house rent on the 2d so don't worry about it.

4. Recently I also paid for water and gas.

5. The money from work will possibly be coming. The money will be sent to our post office box. Go to the bank and cash the check.

6. You can either throw out or give my clothing, etc. away. Do not keep these. However, I prefer that you hold on to my personal papers (military, civil, etc.).
« Last Edit: March 16, 2025, 06:40:30 PM by Michael Capasse »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #759 on: March 16, 2025, 06:36:42 PM »