Mr. BALL. What did you tell him?
Mr. FRITZ. I told him he had a package and put it in the back seat and it was a package about that long and it was curtain rods. He said he didn't have any kind of a package but his lunch. He said he had his lunch and that is all he had, and Mr. Frazier told me that he got out of the car with that package, he saw him go toward the building with this long package.
I asked him, I said, "Did you go toward the building carrying a long package?"
He said, "No. I didn't carry anything but my lunch."
Firstly these answers are not from recordings or accurate at the time transcriptions but the memories of officers, who were keen to defend the built case.
He answered that he carried his lunch, but his lunch was in something, he may have had the lunch in a large sack not when asked about package thought they meant something more substantive.
As to what he brought, he may have put a piece of fruit or cake for morning tea or as part of his lunch but planned get something more. You always assume that Wesley and Linnie under estimated the length, they may have over estimated it.