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Author Topic: Buell Wesley Frazier  (Read 170943 times)

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #240 on: October 08, 2018, 09:01:54 AM »
Huh? How about you use a tape measure and then the dimensions will be beyond dispute.


Holding a metal tape in my hand, it's 30" of tape below my hand.

Happy now?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #240 on: October 08, 2018, 09:01:54 AM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #241 on: October 08, 2018, 09:03:06 AM »
Oswald put his long package on the back seat and lied to the DP when he said his rifle lunch was on his lap.
Oswald told the DP that his long package contained his lunch.
Buell said that Oswald told him that the package contained curtain rods.

Here's Linnie and Buell demonstrating their guesstimates for Oswald's "lunch" package.


Cheating again, John. Make both Dan and Linnie about the same size. Go on, you know you can do it.

Don't bother.I posted this years ago when you posted your dubious comparison then.

Linnie's package looks a lot smaller in comparison that photo, doesn't it?

« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 09:23:10 AM by Ray Mitcham »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #242 on: October 08, 2018, 01:45:21 PM »
Let's just forget about Rather and focus on the WC investigation. If I remember correctly they showed both witnesses the original and the replica bag and both denied it was the bag they had seen. They asked Frazier and Randle to reproduce multiple copies of the bag that none of them came close to the size the WC needed to conceal a broken down MC rifle.

When they couldn't get Frazier and Randle on board on the size they just said they were mistaken..... What more does anybody else need to know, when investigators start making up their own truth and dismissing the only witnesses who actually saw the bag?

If I remember correctly they showed both witnesses the original and the replica bag and both denied it was the bag they had seen. They asked Frazier and Randle to reproduce multiple copies of the bag that none of them came close to the size the WC needed to conceal a broken down MC rifle.

I believe the police displayed a large paper sack to BWF and LMR  at the police station on the night of 11 /22/63. This sack was the bag that reporters photographed Detective L.D. Montgomery carrying from the TSBD at about 2:00 pm that afternoon.

On Sunday 11/24/ 63 Roy Truly manufactured a paper sack that was reputed to be an "exact replica" of the sack that L.D. Montgomery was photographed carrying.   ( How did they create an "exact replica" when the original sack was a thousand miles away...In Washington DC?)   The FBI agents then took the "exact replica" out to Irving and displayed it to LMR and BWF and asked them if it was the sack that Lee carried on Friday morning....  Both LMR and BWF stated very clearly that the sack that they were being shown was MUCH LARGER than the sack that Lee Oswald carried.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #242 on: October 08, 2018, 01:45:21 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #243 on: October 08, 2018, 01:58:15 PM »
Randle estimates 36" package first-day

Nope.. Bookhout wrote that this was Randle's estimate. Prove she actually said it!

Futhermore, if what Bookhout wrote in his FB 302 is true, Randle committed perjury in her WC testimony. Was she ever prosecuted?

Make up your own reality as much as you like, but the only two witnesses who ever saw the bag Oswald carried say your reality is wrong, regardless of what Bookhout wrote!

Bookhout wrote that this was Randle's estimate. Prove she actually said it!

Based on the fact that there are photos that show LMR holding her hands about two feet apart....It's highly unlikely that she ever said the sack was about three feet long.....  And many witnesses were shocked to read what FBI agents recorded of statements they had given the FBI ....  Many witnesses said their statements as recorded by the FBI were totally inaccurate and complete distortions of what they had actually told the FBI.

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #244 on: October 08, 2018, 03:37:08 PM »
All this discussion about the size of the bag when the WC failed to support their claim that a bag was ever found in the alleged SN.

What bag?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #244 on: October 08, 2018, 03:37:08 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #245 on: October 08, 2018, 03:51:46 PM »
All this discussion about the size of the bag when the WC failed to support their claim that a bag was ever found in the alleged SN.

What bag?

It doesn't matter whether you or I like the invention of the bag.....  The authorities created it as part of the tale (aka cover up) and that garbage has taken firm root in the legend.   

There definitely was a bag found ....Day spotted it because it was SHAPED LIKE A GUN CASE....  And it probably was constructed from a different paper than the book wrappers, which drew Day's attention to it.   At the time he spotted the gun case shaped paper sack Roy Truly was at his side. Day turned to Truly and asked if he'd ever seen the gun case shaped paper sack before.....Naturally, Truly denied ever having seen the sack.

Day said that after he displayed the gun case shaped sack to Roy Truly he folded it up and put it in his pocket and never displayed it to anybody else.  I 've long believed that Day showed that sack to Fritz and they realized it was too small to hold the Carcano....   Fritz was reported to have said..." Well he must have broke it down then, and I'm sure he did"  after it was pointed out that the bag was too small to have been used to smuggle the Carcano into the TSBD.

It was probably at this point that Detective Day decided to create the huge paper sack that Detective LD Montgomery carried from the TSBD.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 01:05:58 AM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #246 on: October 08, 2018, 07:33:54 PM »
Randle estimates 36" package first-day

Nope.. Bookhout wrote that this was Randle's estimate. Prove she actually said it!

Futhermore, if what Bookhout wrote in his FB 302 is true, Randle committed perjury in her WC testimony. Was she ever prosecuted?

Make up your own reality as much as you like, but the only two witnesses who ever saw the bag Oswald carried say your reality is wrong, regardless of what Bookhout wrote!

We'll never know if Randle's estimate was a spoken one or not. Bookout did not make that distinction as far as I know. Where you there?

People say a lot of things. Especially a person who drove the eventual prime suspect to the eventual murder scene. And was the person who apparently underwent a lengthy interrogation in which he was threatened with fisticuffs unless he 'fessed up.

Under those circumstances, I contend that the smart move would have been to sling-the-bull about the bag size.

That's my reality.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 10:53:59 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #247 on: October 08, 2018, 11:00:52 PM »

We'll never know if Randle's estimate was a spoken one or not. Bookout did not make that distinction as far as I know. Where you there?

People say a lot of things. Especially a person who drove the eventual prime suspect to the eventual murder scene. And was the person who apparently underwent a lengthy interrogation in which he was threatened with fisticuffs unless he 'fessed up.

Under those circumstances, I contend that the smart move would have been to sling-the-bull about the bag size.

That's my reality.

We'll never know if Randle's estimate was a spoken one or not. Bookout did not make that distinction as far as I know

Exactly right. And that's why you don't get to assume that what Bookhout wrote in his FD 302 was indeed correct.

People say a lot of things. Especially a person who drove the eventual prime suspect to the eventual murder scene. And was the person who apparently underwent a lengthy interrogation in which he was threatened with fisticuffs unless he 'fessed up.

Under those circumstances, I contend that the smart move would have been to sling-the-bull about the bag size.

What kind of weird "logic" is this? When you are innocent and uninvolved there is no reason to lie about anything. Lying under such circumstances could only make you look guilty and get you into trouble.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Buell Wesley Frazier
« Reply #247 on: October 08, 2018, 11:00:52 PM »