"On November 22, 1963 at approximately 12:25 PM I stood by myself on the inside of the front entrance of the Texas School Book Depository Building to watch President John F. Kennedy come by the building in a motorcade."
Now let's go ask Mr. Lewis this specific question....
Mr. Lewis, were you inside the TSBD Building or outside the building when you heard those shots fired on November 22, 1963?What do you suppose Mr. Lewis' answer would be to that question?
And when Lewis used the words "inside of the front entrance", he wasn't implying that he was located INSIDE the actual building. I would say that he was trying to imply that he was
inside the little alcove or recessed area of the entryway in front of the Depository.
When I first read Lewis' statement above, I had deduced that Lewis was probably located just inside the front door of the Depository---on the INSIDE of that door, NORTH of the glass, not south of the glass door. That's certainly one way to interpret Lewis' words in that statement anyway, because I
did initially interpret them that way, but now I think he probably said "inside" because he meant
inside the recessed entranceway.
In any event, in Lewis' March 18, 1964, statement quoted above, he certainly is not implying that he thought he was located INSIDE the actual Depository building itself on Nov. 22nd. (IMHO.)