So Thomas J. Kelley lied in his "official report" too, eh Alan?
How many liars are there in this case, Al? Or can you count that high?
Mr von Pein thinks that the way to show there was no cover-up is to argue that a cover-up would have involved things being covered up!
Mr von Pein is not doing very well here, is he, friends? His response to the new evidence amounts to a cry of, 'Please everyone, be as gullible as I am! Open your hearts to the official story as I have opened mine all these years, and don't let any nasty facts get in the way of your love!'
Let's talk about lying, shall we?
Here's what Agent Hosty wrote down:
And here's what Agent Hosty told the Warren Commission:
"Oswald told Captain Fritz that he went to lunch at approximately noon on the 22d of November, ate his lunch in the lunchroom, and had gone and gotten a Coca Cola from the Coca Cola machine to have with his lunch."----------
This sentence reflects his handwritten notes! "He claimed that he was in the lunchroom at the time President Kennedy passed the building."----------
This sentence does not reflect his handwritten notes! It a straightforward lie. Nothing Mr von Pein or any other member of the Lone Nutter Brains Trust says can distract the rest of us from seeing the glaring discrepancy between Agent Hosty's statements.
Why did Agent Hosty-----------along with Captain Fritz & Co.------------lie about Mr Oswald's answer to
the single most important question put to him in interrogation ('Where were you when the President passed the building')?
Answer that question with a measure of good old-fashioned common sense, friends, and you will understand the significance of the Prayer Man figure.