Jesus F'en Christ! I and a lot of others have had enough of " Prayer Woman". JUST MOVE ON!
Oh, but those who understand the evidence have
long since moved on from 'Prayer Woman', which was never anything more than an absurd, hopeless, bad-faith attempt to explain away the Prayer Man figure standing in the doorway.
The 'Prayer Man' theory, by contrast, is in the rudest of rude good health. It remains the only show in town.
Mr Oswald claimed to have been out front for the Presidential parade---------

----------and no even remotely credible candidate for Prayer Man other than Mr Oswald has been put forward.
We are
very lucky indeed that Mr Oswald was captured on film by Messrs Hughes, Wiegman and Darnell, for it enables us to confirm his own claim to have been out front.
98% of the noise on this thread has been produced by a sad-sack fanatic who is in day-in-day-out denial about these simple facts. No one takes him seriously anymore, and he's easily ignored!