We do realize do we not, that there were are a couple witnesses at least, who went about their normal everyday business after Kennedy was cut down? Then, as soon as they heard about what happened they rushed back and got in contact with the police to tell them, not only that they were there but they were right outside the building where all the focus was now centred. STANTON may have had that same instinct about the importance of the building and put herself closer to it but hey, wth do I know? Even the hairstyle matches on the woman I like, if Brian had even that, which he does not, we'd never hear the end of it.
Also, Tommy.
Do you think Brian has a case at all with the PM=Stanton match? If so why? IMHO it's ridiculous, I cannot take it serious, nothing matches only the idea that she was nearby at one stage and on the landing(undoubtedly) and could well be still there somewhere in Darnell.