This is not directed towards anyone in particular.
Regarding this entire thread....
Oswald admitted, on film, that he was inside the building at the time.
Therefore, Oswald was not out on the front steps or on the landing.
If Oswald was not out on the front steps or the landing, then he is not Prayer man/Prayer Woman.
So, who cares who that person was?
I'm afraid, Mr Brown, that old argument died an ignominious death on 19 February 2019, when these interrogation notes from Agent James Hosty came to light:
Mr Oswald told Captain Fritz that he
'went outside to watch P. parade'. Couldn't be clearer. No interpretive wiggle-room!
Now! As for what Mr Oswald told the newsman, he never volunteered that he was
inside the building 'at the time', he merely agreed that he 'naturally' was 'in' it.
There is only one place that fits the double description
-------'in the building'
That place is the
enclosed entranceway, which is still part of the building yet is out in the open air.
That's where Mr Oswald claimed to have been when JFK passed the building, and that's where the Oswald-resembling Prayer Man is. Attempts over the last five-and-a-half years to find a credible alternative candidate for Prayer Man have been a total flop.
So this is why so many non-members of the Guild of Warren Gullibles care. It's also why the attacks on the PM=LHO claim have been so ferocious, devious and fanatical---people understand what's at stake.
I suggest you repeat the words
"Then went outside to watch P. parade" until their significance, and the significance of their having been suppressed in all the official interrogation reports, sinks in!