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Author Topic: Prayer Woman  (Read 674612 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #488 on: July 05, 2018, 02:18:40 AM »
Which of the female TSBD employees known to have been on the front steps at the time of the assassination do you believe this might be? Unless you or someone else can come up with a viable name, she's not 'Prayer Woman'.

It's just my call.
How could I know someone's name?
The way this old lady is clutching her purse [with both hands] it looks like the prayer person.
The dress looks like the same shade.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #488 on: July 05, 2018, 02:18:40 AM »

Offline Barry Pollard

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #489 on: July 05, 2018, 02:20:04 AM »
The clip shows it better...
It comes starting at 6:25 toward the end...
That shirt looks like CE151... the shirt Oswald was wearing...opened in the front makes him look bulky ..the back of the head...& the walk can't be just anybody.

Yes by anyone I meant PM Jerry but others would dissagree and regarding your man, it does make him look bulkier than he probably is, no argument there.
On that footage, that's late, look at the crowd and vehicles, legend and "evidence" would put LHO(correct me if I'm wrong), closing in on the theatre. That's after 2PM easy and someone like Denis, Robin or you reading this now, might qualify or question this for us.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #490 on: July 05, 2018, 01:35:54 PM »
Wasn't expecting that.
Might be some slight relief here Alan but not only do I see it but now I'll never unsee it and anyone that sees a purse or... well you name it, will see it.
Who do you think they might be waving at though, LBJ's group?


You think it's impossible because it goes down and "into"(how comes his name won't stick) Edwards(?)

The shape of it is ridiculous for Lovelady's arm-------------gets wider as it goes down.
And yes, the crazy spatial relation with Carl Edward Jones is another giveaway!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #490 on: July 05, 2018, 01:35:54 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #491 on: July 05, 2018, 01:52:30 PM »
It's just my call.
How could I know someone's name?
The way this old lady is clutching her purse [with both hands] it looks like the prayer person.
The dress looks like the same shade.

OK, Jerry, but it's not enough just to say 'I see a resemblance' (and to ignore points of NON-resemblance). If this is 'Prayer Woman' then she must be an employee of the Depository who was alone on the west side of the steps at the time of the assassination and then OUTSIDE the building at around 12.50pm.

Now! We know which female employees were on the steps-------the list is not very long! Go down that list and you will find yourself having to cross name after name off it. So, for example, she CANNOT be Pauline Sanders, who was inside the building at 12.50pm. She CANNOT be Sarah Stanton for the same reason. That's before we even get to physical features, witness statements or evidence from the photographic record.

Pretty soon, you will find yourself looking at a list comprising nothing but crossed out candidates!

Apply this method to the Prayer Man issue by going through every single Depository employee (male and female) at work that day, and you will find that only one viable candidate is left: LHO. People have spent five years trying to find Anybody But Oswald-----from Bill Shelley (!) to Sarah Stanton (!)-----but they have failed miserably!

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #492 on: July 05, 2018, 02:31:15 PM »
Friends! It's time to lay this kooky Prayer Man nonsense to rest for once and for all. Here's a list of all the TSBD employees as of 22 Nov 1963. I've left off Lee H. Oswald as he's OBVIOUSLY not Prayer Man! Together, let's find the REAL Prayer Man  Thumb1:

Adams, Victoria Elizabeth
Aiken, Haddon Spurgeon 
Arce, Danny Garcia
Arnold, Carolyn (R.E.)
Barnum, Virginia H.
Berry, Jane
Burns, Doris Fay
Calvery, Gloria
Campbell, Ochus Virgil
Case, Edna
Cason, Jack Charles
Caster, Warren
Clay, Billie P. (Mrs Herman N.)
Davis, Avery (Mrs Charles Thomas Davis)
Davis, Mrs. Joseph A. (Vickie)
Dickerson, Mary Sue
Dorman, Elsie
Dougherty, Jack Edwin
Dragoo, Betty Jean
Elerson, Sandra Sue (Mrs Ronald G.)
Foster, Betty Alice
Frazier, Buell Wesley
Garner, Dorothy Ann
Givens, Charles Douglas
Hendrix, Georgia Ruth
Hicks, Karan (Mrs James Daniel)
Hine, Geneva L.
Holt, Gloria Jeannie
Hopson, Yola D.
Hughes, Carol
Jacob, Stella
Jarman, James Earl "Junior"
Johnson, Judy Marie
Jones, Carl Edward
Jones, Spaulden Earnest
Junker, Herbert L.
Kaiser, Frankie 
Kounas, Dolores Arlene
Lawrence, Patricia Ann
Lewis, Roy Edward
Lovelady, Billy Nolan
Lovelady, Dottie
McCulley, Judith Louise
Molina, Joe R.
Nelson, Ruth Smith
Nelson, Sharon
Norman, Harold Dean
Palmer, Helen L.
Parker, Roberta
Piper, Eddie
Rachley, Virgie (Mrs Donald Baker)
Reed, Carol
Reed, Martha
Reese, Madie Belle
Reid, Mrs. Robert A.
Richey, Bonnie
Sanders, Pauline
Shelley, William H.
Shields, Edward
Smith, Gordon
Springer, Pearl
Stansbery, Joyce Maurine
Stanton, Sarah D.
Styles, Sandra K.
Thornton, Betty Jean
Truly, Roy Sansom
Viles, Lloyd R.
West, Troy Eugene
Westbrook, Karen
Wester, Franklin Emmett
Whatley, Vida Lee
Whitaker, Lucy (Lupe)
Williams, Bonnie Ray
Williams, Mary Lee
Williams, Otis Neville
Wilson, Steven F.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #492 on: July 05, 2018, 02:31:15 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #493 on: July 05, 2018, 03:56:08 PM »
Folded arms, say I!

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #494 on: July 05, 2018, 03:58:53 PM »
Something behind Prayer Man, say I!

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #495 on: July 05, 2018, 08:04:29 PM »
Friends, according to Andrej Stancak's calculations based in part on Frazier's height in Darnell, Prayer Man is either 5'2" (if on landing) or 5'9" (if down one step).

Looks like he's right!  Thumb1:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #495 on: July 05, 2018, 08:04:29 PM »