As I recall, at one time I assumed that the Image represented Billy Lovelady, possibly because his Image had been seen on the west side steps a short time earlier. But, if he is on the Old Elm St extension, then the Image is that of someone else. And, I have previously concluded the possibility that the Image shows the rear-view from the shoulders and above of the head scarf wearing KarenWestbrookImage.
If that's not the face of a nearly bald-headed man (who's rising up from a crouching-forward stance), but the backside of a woman's head that's covered in a light-colored headscarf (and which "woman" could be imagined to be walking up the steps), then why is Calvery just standing there instead of going up the steps with her all-in-white colleague?
Also, how are we to explain the appearance of two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and Lovelady-like side-hair on your lady's headscarf in the few relatively un-fuzzy (but blown up) frames of that clip?
-- Tommy

To (just barely) make out the eyes, nose, mouth and hair I'm talking about, see Sandy Larsen's PhotoBucket blown-up detail of part of a Darnell frame in his March 4, 2017 post on page 4 (scroll down to the very bottom) of the EF's thread "Was 'Full Figured" Gloria Calvery 'Running Woman'?"