Fritz inflated it , did he? Ah, if only it were that easy for you. Sorry, but Fritz wasn't the only one to report that Oswald claimed to have ate his lunch with Jarman and Norman. Secret Service Agent Thomas Kelley also heard him say it. Kelley also asked him if he had viewed the parade and he said he had not.
Hah! How do you know that Bookhout scrambled the chronology?
Holmes was right? So, Oswald was upstairs when the shooting took place after all? Well, that was easy.
What are you talking about? Carolyn Arnold thought that she caught a fleeting glimpse of Oswald standing in the hallway between the front door and the double doors leading to the warehouse. She wasn't sure that it was Oswald and that it was a few minutes before 12:15. How could that in any way be corroborative of Oswald's "suppressed claim"?
Sarah Stanton never saw Oswald at all that day.
"I did not see Lee Harvey Oswald at that time or at any time during that day." -- From the signed sworn affidavit of Sarah Stanton, March 18,1964
How was it that she could have corroborated Oswald's "suppressed claim"?
How exactly does 'for the P. Parade' show that Bookhout changed the timeframe?
1) Kelley, like Fritz and Bookhout and Hosty, lied. The Hosty note proves it. It's called a cover-up. Cover-ups tend to convince gullible souls like you!
2) We know Bookhout scrambled the chronology of what Mr Oswald said because Hosty tells us Mr Oswald said he went "outside to watch P. Parade"
after his visit to the 2nd floor lunchroom. Note that Hosty doesn't write "Then went out front." or "Then went outside to see what happening." No! He makes it plain as plain can be by using the words
watch and
parade. Those two words bring your little house of cards down!
3) No, Mr Holmes compressed Mr Oswald's account: working upstairs--broke for lunch--downstairs to 2 for coke--downstairs to 1--cop encounter at front entrance. Thankfully, Hosty's note now tells us exactly what Mr Oswald said!
4) Ms Arnold told FBI about seeing Mr Oswald in 2nd floor lunchroom before assassination. They changed her story without telling her. It's called a cover-up. Cover-ups tend to convince gullible souls like you! Ms Stanton's sighting of Mr Oswald came to light last year: she didn't want trouble, so said nothing at the time. And now here we have proof that Mr Oswald claimed a pre-12:30 visit to the lunchroom. His claim chimes perfectly with Ms Arnold and Ms Stanton. Funny, that! But you won't accept the link because it's too painful to do. We understand, Mr Nickerson, truly we do!
5) See #2! And look up the words
watch and
Parade in a dictionary!