Friends! The reason the anti-PrayerMan zealots are so upset is very simple. The revelation a few days ago of this note written by James Hosty-----------

-----------has cruelly deprived them of their very last line of defence.
The matter now comes down to the following:
The person standing by the west wall of a Depository entranceway that is full of Depository employees-----------

-----------is either
A) a Depository employee a) whose location at this time is uniquely unaccounted for; b) who will later claim to have been here; c) who looks strikingly like Prayer Man
B) a random person from off the street who is the sole non-Depository employee in that entranceway yet whose presence goes completely unnoticed.
To choose B) over A) would be to choose utter irrationality over plain common sense.
The Lone Nutter zealots will of course do what they always do: go into red-faced denial mode; the carnival barkers who believe in 2 Oswalds, etc. will go into purple-faced denial mode.
But who cares? They have lost the argument. There is now no good argument against Prayer Man's being Mr Oswald, and plenty of excellent arguments for his being Mr Oswald. Even more to the point, there remains no viable alternative candidate for Prayer Man.
An historic week for JFK assassination research!