Friends, the hostility of Lone Nutters to Prayer Man is understandable. This thing is a religion to them, and they will not give up their faith without a fight.
The hostility----------and that's what it is-----------of so many Warren Critics is more puzzling, though not wholly incomprehensible.
I think they split into three groups
-------------Those unfamiliar with the details of the theory who just lazily and haughtily assume it has no more merit than the LHO-in-Altgens nonsense that long plagued JFK research
-------------Those for whom this case is such a longtime hobby that they do not want to see it solved------------the anti-climax would be too great!
-------------Those who pinned their colors to the anti-PM=LHO mast, do not want to admit they got it wrong and are jealous of those who got it right (O vanitas vanitatum!)
Since the Hosty note revelation, all three groups have one thing in common: they are saying flat out that Mr Oswald lied about his whereabouts and that Captain Fritz & Co.'s astonishingly brazen suppression of his lie is of no evidentiary significance.
They would rather adopt a cover-up mentality than embrace the truly wonderful fact that this case has been blown wide open. Sad!