Some of these guys are ALL about saving face instead of solving this assassination one issue at a time.
Yes, That's exactly right.... And the pity is:...They judge everybody else by their own blinding ways. Some have accused me of having a blinding ego ....One that keeps me from seeing that there were several Oswald's roaming the country and causing people who didn't even know Lee Oswald to believe he was driving a old Ford with Marina and a baby as passengers.... Where Lee Oswald would have got such a car never crosses their mind ...nor do they wonder why Marina don't remember Lee driving around in that old Ford .... They simply accept that some lunatic was impersonating Lee Oswald simply to cause confusion .... Why the lunatic was creating the confusion is never given a second thought....
I'm no different than anybody the fact that I don't like to admit an error, but I'm not a fool.... If I'm wrong about something then I have to accept that and learn from it....
Having said that....I seriously doubt that anybody could cause me to change my mind about the murder of President Kennedy.... I don't know who fired the guns that killed him....But I do know the demented fiends who were behind the trigger men were LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover.