"Fritz said in his Warren Commission testimony that he was pretty sure Oswald told him he was in the 2nd floor lunch room during the shots"...
Fritz said in his Warren Commission testimony that he was pretty sure Oswald told him he was in the 2nd floor lunch room during the shots...
"Pretty sure" is the same as saying ....I'm not sure.... IOW.... Fritz was lying....
That's NOT what Lee said.... Lee said that he was in the first floor lunchroom when the parade passed by..... And he said he went to the second floor lunchroom about that same time. and he NEVER EVER said anything about hear any shots.
With regard to Fritz being "pretty sure" Oswald told him he was "in the 2nd floor lunchroom during the shots", why was this Important Information NOT in Fritz's Notes? The answer would be because it Never happened. When under oath, "pretty sure" protects a person from being subjected to Perjury Charges.