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Author Topic: Prayer Woman  (Read 666982 times)

Offline Larry Trotter

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1984 on: August 13, 2019, 06:56:04 PM »
Brian...It very well may be. However, notice that someone will always jump in and counter this claim.
I consider myself 'reasonable and objective'. Unfortunately, I do not possess the 'skill' to appraise horribly blurry photographs.

Despite constant denial, indicative evidentiary information has been posted, including on this thread, that indicates that PrayerPersonImage represents a female then employed at the TexasSchoolBookDepository Building. And, based on witness accounts, as well as related events, the most likely person represented by PPI is SarahDeanStanton (1922-1992). I do not rely on any appraisal of "horribly blurry photographs", that are actually from a MotionPictureCamera, hand held by a CameraMan some distance away, riding in/on the seat of a moving Motorcade ConvertibleVehicle as said Vehicle drove past the TSBD Bldg Elm St EntrancePortal following about six (+/-) other Vehicles behind the LincolnConvertibleLimousine carrying President JohnFitzgeraldKennedySr (1917-1963), accompanied by Firstlady JacquelineBouvierKennedy (1929-1994), and Governor JohnBowdenConnallyJr (1917-1993), accompanied by FirstLady IdanellBrillConnally (1919-2006), that was being driven by SSA WilliamRobertGreer (1909-1985), assisted by SSA RoyHermanKellerman (1915-1984).

As I recall, The PrayerPersonImage IdentificationDispute became an issue after a claim, some 50 years, half a century, after the Assassination Of JFKSr, that PPI represented LeeHarveyOswald. My response was, and still is, How can it be possible for the most famous Accused LoneGunmanAssassin ever to have been standing outside the front door on the FirstFloor EntranceLanding, among numerous witnesses that knew who he was, instead of on the sixth floor firing shots at the Motorcade, and yet was unnoticed for the 50 years?

Therefor, in seeking the proper identification of PPI, and doing some research along with study of research by others, utilizing process of elimination of possibilities, it is my drawn conclusion, based on available indicative evidentiary information, that the most likely person represented by PPI is SarahDeanStanton. Not standing in the PPI location during the shooting and/or filming of the Portal area itself does not place LHO on the sixth floor as a LGA, and the SecondFloorLunchRoomEncounter indicates a timing problem issue for him being a LGA, on the sixth floor or anywhere else, IMO.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 07:01:04 PM by Larry Trotter »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1984 on: August 13, 2019, 06:56:04 PM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1985 on: August 14, 2019, 06:19:39 AM »

Nah, like you, Brian believes the evil, evil XXX killed JFK.


-- MWT  ;)
Wrong, Brian just believes something that doesn't matter, where everything you talk about is just a permanent daydream your in. At least with LSD, you would have had an excuse but unlike Frank, they wouldn't have to sneak it into your drink. This is because you would have wanted to be a part of any CIA experiment that involves escaping from reality. If you think Jerry Garcia is still alive you were apart of the experiment. Good stuff

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1986 on: August 14, 2019, 02:11:36 PM »
Wrong, Brian just believes something that doesn't matter, where everything you talk about is just a permanent daydream your in. At least with LSD, you would have had an excuse but unlike Frank, they wouldn't have to sneak it into your drink. This is because you would have wanted to be a part of any CIA experiment that involves escaping from reality. If you think Jerry Garcia is still alive you were apart of the experiment. Good stuff

Dear Peter,

Thanks for all the kind words.


** you're

Do you think Jerry lives, Peter?

How about Elvis?

Kurt Cobain?

Question:  What is the nature of the "permanent daydream" that I'm in?

Having the audacity to disbelieve that the KGB and GRU were (and still are, although the KGB's Second Chief Directorate and First Chief Directorate -- where Vladimir Putin was a counterintelligence officer --- were nicely and cleverly renamed the FSB and the SVR, respectively, in 1992 or so) ... humanitarian organizations?

-- MWT  ;)

« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 02:25:20 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1986 on: August 14, 2019, 02:11:36 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1987 on: August 14, 2019, 04:57:57 PM »
So says the guy with the giant ego and 429 falsehoods and fabrications.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1988 on: August 15, 2019, 12:28:25 AM »

Guinn’s results for silver and antimony are shown in Table 15.[3] Two features of these data should be understood clearly: only single fragments are reported; and the uncertainties refer to only the counting procedure, not to other aspects of the measurement process or to variations within a specimen. Full uncertainties of measurement will be roughly twice as high, and variations within a specimen are several times higher than counting uncertainties. The sole exception is Q14, where both fragments listed in Table 14 were analyzed for Table 15. Thus the uncertainty for Q14 represents heterogeneities in the sample, as well as counting uncertainties. Q5, the smaller fragment from the President’s head, with a mass of only 5.4 milligrams, was analyzed but not reported. The smaller piece of Q9, fragments from the Governor’s wrist, had a mass of only 1.3 milligrams and was also analyzed but not reported. Thus for all intents and purposes, Guinn’s results are for single samples.

Guinn’s results are very similar to those of the FBI 13 years earlier. Data for silver are almost identical, and will not be discussed further because they do not differ much from fragment to fragment. Guinn’s data for antimony agree well with the FBI’s Run 4, as seen in Figure 9. No error bars are shown here because they are discussed in detail in the section on heterogeneity of antimony. Thus, Guinn and the FBI produced nearly identical results for the fragments, even though different pieces were analyzed.

Guinn’s conclusions
Guinn reached three key conclusions from his results, as reported in his Analytical Chemistry paper: (1) to a “high probability,” the fragments all came from Mannlicher-Carcano bullets; (2) there was positive evidence for two and only two bullets; and (3) the results grouped in a way that supported the single-bullet theory. The next sections discuss these results separately.

The fragments are all from WCC/MC bullets
The full statement of this result is that antimony in all the bullet fragments is “in the unusual (though not necessarily unique) concentration ranges of WCC/MC bullet-lead samples.”[4] This made it highly probable that they actually were Mannlicher-Carcanos. It is highly unlikely that any of the fragments came from any other kind of ammunition.

The justification for these conclusions comes for Guinn’s analyses of many different kinds of ammunition. As early as July 1971, Guinn had reported the concentrations of antimony and various other trace elements in 36 kinds of ammunition.[5] Although Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition was not tested here, three lots of 0.38-caliber bullets from Western Cartridge Company were.

Already by 1971, Guinn had focused on antimony as the principal indicator element in bullet lead. The reason antimony was so useful was that it was added to some leads up to 4% or so as a hardening agent. This made its concentration range from 10 or 20 ppm un virgin lead to 40,000 ppm in hardened lead, a much larger range than for elements that were not added to the lad. Guinn listed the concentrations of antimony in each of the 36 lots of bullets. He also listed the concentrations of 1–3 other elements if he was able to measure them. The 36 concentrations of antimony are shown in Figure 10.[6] A logarithmic scale had to be used for antimony because its concentrations ranged over nearly four orders of magnitude.

The range of antimony in Mannlicher-Carcano bullets reported by Guinn, 20–1200 ppm, is also shown, for comparison. It corresponds almost exactly to a group of seven bullets that is below the other 29 by nearly an order of magnitude. (The cause of the two distinct groups is probably just hardened lead versus unhardened lead in the bullets. By contrast, Guinn found that silver varied much less in concentration in the suite of bullets—two orders of magnitude vs. the four for antimony. The reason is probably just that silver is not deliberately added to bullets. Guinn also found that the concentration of silver in Mannlicher-Carcano bullets falls in the middle of the range of concentrations for other types of bullets (Figure 11). The reason for this is also presumably that silver is not added to lead the way antimony is.

The fragments from the assassination can be treated in the same way (Figure 13). Here, however, the ranges of concentration are much smaller. The predicted occurrence of false positives would be (2/19)(2/19) = 1.1%, or 0.2 bullets. The actual occurrence is is no bullets (0%), which is not surprising in view of the 0.2 bullets predicted above. But this is not the right calculation, which must be the fraction of non-MC bullets falling within the area of the fragments divided by the fraction of MC bullets falling within the same area. [The earlier calculation for MC bullets as a whole was a special case of this more general one, where the denominator was 100% (of the MC bullets falling within the MC area).] Since the fraction of MC bullets falling within the range of the assassination fragments is (1/12)(7/12) = 4.9%, the true percentage of false positives becomes [(2/19)(2/19)]/[(1/12)(7/12)], or 22.8%. This latter figure should be regarded as a very rough one because of the small number of cases that went into calculating it. To see just how rough it is, one need only note that no bullets of either kind fell within the narrow zone of assassination fragments. It is probably better then to revert to the earlier calculation for MC bullets as a whole, with a 5%–10% probability of being some other kind of bullet. This assessment agrees with Guinn's characterization of “highly unlikely.” It is also agrees with his statement in Analytical Chemistry that his results “have demonstrated that, to a high degree of probability, all of the bullet-lead evidence specimens are of WCC/MC 6.5-mm brand…”

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1988 on: August 15, 2019, 12:28:25 AM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1989 on: August 15, 2019, 06:31:01 AM »
Dear Peter,

Thanks for all the kind words.


** you're

Do you think Jerry lives, Peter?

How about Elvis?

Kurt Cobain?

Question:  What is the nature of the "permanent daydream" that I'm in?

Having the audacity to disbelieve that the KGB and GRU were (and still are, although the KGB's Second Chief Directorate and First Chief Directorate -- where Vladimir Putin was a counterintelligence officer --- were nicely and cleverly renamed the FSB and the SVR, respectively, in 1992 or so) ... humanitarian organizations?

-- MWT  ;)
The CIA has performed terribly through the years. They spend more on fixing mistakes than anything else. Military intelligence has a far better structure for accountability Too many daydreamers in the CIA. You understand

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1990 on: August 15, 2019, 07:53:23 AM »
The CIA has performed terribly through the years. They spend more on fixing mistakes than anything else. Military intelligence has a far better structure for accountability Too many daydreamers in the CIA. You understand

Dear Peter,

I concur.  But on a different level. 

The worst CIA daydreamers of them all were those wishful and/or spiteful, under-endowded "thinkers" like Leonard McCoy, John L. Hart, Bruce Solie and Richards J. Heuer who so desperately wanted to believe that Yuri Nosenko was a true defector, that the KGB had had nothing to do with Lee Harvey Oswald while he was living in the USSR, and, most importantly, that KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn was all wet in his claims that Popov had been betrayed by a mole in U.S. Intelligence, that Penkovsky had been betrayed by a mole in British or U.S. Intelligence, and that there was, in 1959, created a top-secret "KGB within the KGB," known officially as "Department 14 of the Second Chief Directorate" (the SCD being today's FSB).

Thereby tearing CIA counter- intelligence efforts against the Kremlin apart, and unwittingly(?) clearing the way for someone like Aldrich Ames to betray the U.S. for nine years, etc, etc, etc.

Enter, in no particular order, Oliver Stone's JFK, "Anna Chapman and The Eleven Dwarfs Spy Ring," James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio, Tommy Mangold, Jefferson "Intellectually Dishonest" Morley, oodles and gobs of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, and ... gasp ... Donald "Useful Idiot" Trump For President!

-- MWT  ;)

« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 08:34:37 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1991 on: August 18, 2019, 03:19:09 PM »
Well, here it is, folks........ page four hundred ninety-one in the Second Book of Saint Albert.  Anyone ever see Book One before Irenaeus (read: St. Duncan of the Stone of Scone) burned it with the rest of the forbidden texts?  Oh, Lordy.

I still think it was just a dude off the street trying to get a better picture of Kennedy going by.  I mean who in the heck was paying attention to who was standing next to who when the limo made the turn?  Everybody wanted a glimpse of The King & Queen (with Jester Johnson in tow).  Jostling for position, like getting s close-up glimpse of Jerry at a Dead concert.  Sigh+

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Prayer Woman
« Reply #1991 on: August 18, 2019, 03:19:09 PM »