The "D.F. Drittal" "witness" was written in OSWALD'S writing (per various handwriting analysts). So "Drittal" doesn't exist. It's a made-up person created by Lee Oswald.
OK or the creation of AJ Hidell...I mean look at it--The coupon order was written with what looks like a crayon. Given time, I could scribble that mess.
Why would there be any "Post Office record" of that $10 cash payment that Oswald mailed directly to Seaport Traders?
Good question. Supposedly, Oswald was a believer in money orders. Why didn't Hidell/Oswald just send $30 for the pistol and be done with it? Why would a Hidell/Oswald individual then allegedly buy the money order to order the rifle [which was cheaper than the revolver if we can believe this to be any quality of a rifle]? I mean just stuff $22 in the order envelope and be done with it.
the Klein's people who scoured their records all night on Nov. 22-23 for the paper trail of LHO's rifle.
So they say

You guys can't possibly really be serious in questioning Oswald's ownership of Revolver V510210, can you?
So they say.. but the alleged owner was killed and that ended the questions?
Because if the gun taken from Oswald in the theater wasn't V510210, then we'd have to believe that the Dallas cops (and/or the FBI) had a desire to frame Oswald for a cop-killing he never committed (which is REALLY absurd when thinking about the DPD doing this, since a lot of those guys knew the slain officer personally, and certainly wouldn't want to see Tippit's murderer go free).
David..have you ever checked into that beyond the hype and the REPORT? J D Tippit was an 11 year patrolman with barely a grade school education. Not once in those 11 years was he ever promoted. Cops with less tenure were getting promotions to at least corporal. He was not popular in the department...for instance there was another cop on the force named Tippit [also well known by Jack Ruby] and much more popular with the department--anyway when the squad members found out that it was not that Tippit that was shot there was a sense of relief with many officers. I've heard this before but it is found in this book called Into the Nightmare [I believe] It all doesn't matter. Tippit was put in the ground the same day that Kennedy was...the same day that Oswald was and hailed as a hero even though he really did nothing heroic.
"we'd have to believe that the Dallas cops... had a desire to frame Oswald for a cop-killing he never committed" The DPD was 1. Embarrassed... but 2. Didn't care all that much about Kennedy anyway...mainly 3. Obeyed orders or else.