You mean tape? But then how would it have gotten marks from the dispenser on it?
I was multi-tasking when I wrote that.
I should have said:
However: Lee Harvey Oswald could have taken TAPE from a "new" roll that had yet to be put in the dispenser. Mystery solved.If the tape had "marks from the dispenser on it", that proves (beyond a reasonable doubt) that the paper sack was made from materials taken from the TSBD 1st floor wrapping paper/tape dispenser.
This means:
1) Oswald made the paper-sack at the dispenser while no TSBD employee was watching.
2) Oswald somehow manipulated the tape-dispenser so it did not wet the tape when he took some (and paper) intending to make the paper-sack at the Paine's garage on Thursday evening or Friday morning.
3) Oswald "did" remove wet tape from the dispenser; concealed it somewhere; let it dry. He later (at the Paine's garage) wet the tape and used it to make the paper-sack.
4) The Dallas Police constructed the paper-sack to demonstrate how Oswald smuggled the rifle into the TSBD ... and further incriminate him. In this scenario: Dallas police officers smuggled the rifle (Carcano) into the TSBD (before 12:30 pm CST) for the assassin (not Oswald) to use in the murder of JFK.
Assuming that you reject #1, #2 & #3: You need to assign a reason for Dallas Police officers (several) to participate in a plot to murder President John F. Kennedy. I'm assuming you believe they had the "means" and "opportunity". That leaves "motive".