“I think a key clue is the medical cover-up. The Mafia did not have the means or the opportunity to order the autopsy doctors not to dissect the throat wound (dissection would have revealed that the wound was not connected to the back wound— Finck admitted at the Clay Shaw trial that a senior military officer ordered him not to dissect the wound), to get a forger to add the 6.5 mm object the AP x-ray, to get a forger to add the impossible white patch to the lateral x-rays, to doctor the photos of the back of the head (they ignored photo F8 probably because they figured it was too confusing to bother altering), and to steal the Harper fragment, the smashed bullet that was found in the limo in Bethesda, the extra fragment that Tom Robinson and Dennis Davis saw and that David prepared a receipt for, and several of the autopsy photos and x-rays.”
No the Mafia did not have the means but the Secret Service did have the means and they controlled the autopsy in Dallas because they knew that Hickey accidentally shot JFK. Watching the documentary “JFK – The Smoking Gun” opened my eyes to the cover-up. I think once they were in Bethesda the military and the Secret Service controlled everything.
“The catch is that the CIA could not have done these those either, because the autopsy was under military control, and the CIA never had possession of any of the autopsy materials. The military and then the Justice Department controlled those materials.”
Being under military control and Secret Service control.
“I think another key clue is the disclosure that the Zapruder film was diverted to two CIA photographic labs: NPIC and Hawkeye Works (the CIA-contracted Kodak lab in Rochester, NY). Many years ago we learned from a released document that the Zapruder film went to NPIC. In more recent years, one of the photo analysts at NPIC has come forward with the information that the film was also sent to Hawkeye Works, that two NPIC teams analyzed the film and prepared briefing boards on it, and that the two teams' briefing boards were quite different because they analyzed different versions of the film. The second team analyzed the doctored version that came back from Hawkeye Works.”
This whole thing with the Z film just gets messier and messier all the time so I am starting to suspect that their main goal is confusion. Also where was the massive head wound, I believe it’s to create a confusion factor.
So my take on it is, work around the confusion; was there a 6mm hole in the back of JFK’s head, what could have possibly made it and once you put that together with the gun smoke and the witnesses that saw Hickey with the AR15 and standing up, case closed